That's what the label on the pot said...
but the pictures online look a little different.
Does anyone know?

I need to go back and add some more plants to each pot....overcrowding seems to be required.
And I need to find some little rocks....
*Malisa commented that she has the same vase! Well.... think not.... she gave it to me in a blog contest a few years ago. Ha! I had forgotten where I got it and she thought she still had it. We are getting a little vintage ourselves! Thanks, Malisa!
ooo I adore sedums...they don't even mind being frozen in our VA winters and keep coming back year after year
your lady form is super!!!
I have a conch shell or two planted too...and a swan container...quelle surprise ;)
really fun post...Love how you get inspired and run with it
I have that same naked lady vase! Imagine that!
I think Malisa gave me that vase! I told her to go look and see if she STILL has it. haha!
Cute plants and cute vases ~ although perhaps you need some panties for that one planter. Glad to see you are having fun this summer, has it gotten hot down there yet??? Blessings dear
Love your gal vase! and had a right giggle about Malisa! my mum used to write down where she got everything from after she turned 50!! I've still got a couple of years then...
Succulents are so nice, and it always takes me longer to kill them than other flowers! Intersting containers!
had to come back for another look see
...these are really so fantastic!!!
oh! i love succulents! I always want to plant lots of them and never do...you've inspired me to go get some! happy Sunday Linda!
What an inspiring post, Linda! Love how you've filled all those little treasures we all have and not sure how to display them. Way cute and so practical too as succulents are so forgiving.
The little splurb on Malisa was PRICELESS! I can so relate to these types of "oops"....
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