The Angelic Art Award was given to me by Nathalie earlier this month. That was so very sweet of her.... she is one of my favorite artists. I know I inspired her to start a blog... so that is certainly something I'm proud to have accomplished. ha! So I am here to pass it on. I am to award it to five bloggers that inspire my creativity daily. So here goes:
Natalae that I met in November at Silver Bella - this girl does more in one day than I do in a week - she is so consistent in her love of pretty things that have a certain sweetness, plus she's a wonderful person.
Beth was at Silver Bella - but we forgot to get together! We had emailed before the event and we read each other's blogs.... but well, if you were at Silver Bella you'd understand. Anyway, her blog is a delight and is always FULL of inspiration. Check her out!
Tammy... another Bella. Now, I did meet Tammy and she is a sweetheart. She was inspiring me before I even knew she was going to Silver Bella - if you check out my blog waaaaay back you will see how she inspired my banners.
Cindy - yep, another Bella. I can't help it. These girls really "get me". Go look!
The fifth one... I just can't decide... there are too many of you. So....the fifth one goes to YOU. If you are reading this, chances are good that I read your blog, too. Take this award and place it on your blog and reward someone else. Consider yourself hugged.