Carole finally (she lives a long way from us)
got all of her hoops back that she had sent out to us.
Above is what she sent us to work with.
So now I can show you what I made for her....
I wanted to tell a story. I wanted to use it all.
I wanted this to be like a scrapbook.
So using her fabric and some of mine, I made a little book.
The girl in my story went to Paris with her friends for the opening
of the Eiffel Tower.
They had a great weekend, but she had a falling out with her boyfriend.
I added a vintage photo of some relative of mine with a group of friends... and
I scratched one of the men out.... you know how girls do that!
She found some stuff on the streets of Paris and added that in to her little scrapbook.
I added a heart of French Knots first...