Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvey Saga Continued

I know I need to update my friends that only know me through my blog.
We are surviving.
The wonderful heavy trash trucks came from San Antonio to pick up our debris.
It took weeks.
Our yard looks much better..... but not back to normal yet!

The picture below is from a couple of weeks ago as well.
We are done with the dehumidifiers.
Our house is dry and our mold report came back all clear!
We are cleared for drywall!

So I've been painting swatches of paint on the remaining walls.
I'll take a picture of that today.
I already have 12 colors up there....
Getting a few more samples today.
(we are staying in an apartment)

The roses in the back seem to be surviving as well!

I hope you are doing well.
Praying for our friends in Florida, Puerto Rico and California as well as South Texas!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hurricane Harvey

The photo above was taken from a neighbor's house before they evacuated. 
They were upstairs looking out a window.

Below was taken by another neighbor as they went by in a boat.
We had left the night before in our truck.

Being who you are..... I thought I'd show you a few art room losses...

I'll try and share more later....... just wanted to drop by and say I am here and we are doing fine.
It's just going to be a long process to rebuild.  But don't worry about us.  We will be back and I'll be back in my art room with A LOT less stuff..... which is probably a good thing.

The pins above were made in a QB5 art pin swap many years ago. 
They fell into the flood water and even tho they don't look too bad in this picture..... they were unsalvageable.

But I cherish the memories!
That's what's important!