We lived in Orange County back in the mid-80's.
So it was fun to visit southern California last week.
That's DH and I on Coronado Island.
Of course we went to the San Diego Zoo.
Below is our grandson visiting with a gorilla!
Isn't he the cutest?
I loved the reindeer. SD Zoo has everything. It's a beautiful zoo.....
but very hilly..........
Below is a Laguna Beach shot. We ate lunch there on Thursday on our way to visit our old hood!

This is in LaJolla on Wednesday at lunch.

Laguna Beach restaurant.
And below is our old house....... top of a driveway. Surprised it hasn't burned or slid off that hill!
Our son was 2 and 3 years old when we lived there........ now he has an almost 2 year old!
He didn't realize how high in the hills we lived!
It was a fun week!!!
Nice to look back!
I read that the best way to see if God is working in your life is to look backward.
So true!
I am so thankful!
Can't believe it's September! I didn't even post in August!!!