Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pink Artists continued...

I think I told you that I sent my quilt square to Monica? Well, she has them uploaded on her blog now. You really need to go look at all of them.
The Wall Art Quilt 2009 project
is officially underway!
One day the blocks will be assembled into a SINGLE
art quilt to be shared on Monica's blog at a later date,
and our art quilt will be sold in 2009
in a fundraising event to help raise even more donations
for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
It was a wonderful time...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
For UNTO YOU this day in the City of David...

Monday, December 22, 2008
While you are waiting for Santa, check this out...
If only in my dreams...
I went to a cookie exchange last Thursday night....first one in over 20 years. I think this is a tradition my friends and I need to revive. Mary Magnusson hosted it.... Mary retired this year - she's a minister in the United Methodist Church. She is such a blessing in my life and I get tears in my eyes now just thinking about her. She did the funerals for both of my parents. I love her! We even went to the same high school in Mobile, Alabama.... Murphy High School - Go Panthers.... Anyway...I digress ...although I did dream I was at a high school reunion last night - isn't that bizarre? Mary graduated ahead of me.... by a number of years.
Okay...I promise I'll be back before Christmas Eve!

Friday, December 19, 2008
Online Friends

...and yes, I smudged the note so you can't read it.....I do have my standards ya know....did it with software...duh!
Merry Christmas....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mini Banners!

Merry, merry Christmas!!!
I have more pictures to upload and talk about....maybe I'll get that done today. But thought this could satisfy you for the moment! It's a mini holiday banner swap I was in on In This House Yahoo Group. I REALLLLY like the size of this. Watch out Christian Paper Artists...we'll be adjusting our pennant size for the new year!
P.S. added 12/19..... I should've told you that the banner second from the left is by Margaret of Alice and Camilla. I am sooooo excited to have some of her artwork!!! Actually I'm beyond excited!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Please Mr. Postman!!
The decks are gone! Ding, dong the blasted decks are gone! Hooray! Hooray!
I really like the decks....and will share more about them later...when I recover.
Meanwhile.....these are the blogs that I want to spend time with and just haven't been able to... but I don't want YOU to miss out...
My idol Pam Garrison is having a coffee filter fetish that you are going to DYE for.
My idol Charlotte Lyons is having a Sweet Mountain Holiday you simply must not miss.
My idol Rebecca Sower is having a Merry Make-Do Christmas that you will l o v e!
Teresa McFayden's Comfort and Joy E-zine is up and going and I am loving it!
Tim Holtz Twelve Tags of Christmas just ended! I will have to catch up on that one. You should check it out.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Anyone know what movie this blog title is from?
I just got out the camera to take pictures of my Ali Edwards' project .... the December Daily book. Nathalie and Anna are doing it, too. Only Nathalie has posted her book... so I was feeling pretty guilty since I had just insisted we all do this!

Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas, Christmas time is here....
So last week I drove into Houston (something like 25 miles away)..... to do the social thing for business purposes and stay in town a few nights....
Here is my annual picture of the Galleria Christmas Tree.
Neiman Marcus puts puppies in their windows from the local SPCA at Christmas. It's a good thing I was spending a few nights at a hotel or this pup might've found a home with me!
One night while DH had a dinner without me....I ate with the kids. Here are Bob and Kacee:
...and here are Cary and Debbie:

The eyes are nails, the mouths are upholstery tacks and I had those orange noses made from clay already! I made them years ago when I was making snowmen out of white felt! Glad I kept them. (like I would throw something like that away?) Most of the hats are earrings!! They have to have jewels because they are for divas. The head is made of "paperclay"....they sell it at Michael's. Remember all those bottles I bought in October? And you thought I was crazy!

Here is what I did today. These are based on the ones in the current issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors. I'm giving some of them as gifts tomorrow night at the annual Dirt Diva Christmas Party!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Creative Thinking
I go to a few formal events every year at this time and I like to reshuffle my attire among them. I keep a little spiral notebook that tells what I wear to business functions that happen during the year. People really don't care what you wear and they can't remember anyway. Tonight I have such an event. I'm wearing a dress I've had for a few years and I've worn to this event once before. But I bought a new necklace yesterday from White House/Black Market to wear. Well I got home yesterday and it just didn't work with either dress I was considering. So I was going to return it on Thursday. But what to wear tonight? Now you may already know this trick...and maybe I did, too...but if I did ... I had forgotten it. I thought if it was just longer it would work. So I used a bracelet as an extender!!!! First I tried the silver one below..and it looks fine, but the black one may be the better choice. I am SO pleased with myself. I knew you'd appreciate it!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Blog Banners Envy
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