Tonight I was reading Bazaar magazine
(it's my nod to a fashion attempt)
and there was an article about the movie!
I didn't know it was going to be a movie...
how did I miss that?
It hits theatre (note the absence of an s) on 7/15.
On 7/29 it hits theatre (again) in my city.
I do not live in a small town.
All I have to say is this....
if you live where it's showing,
you need to go and then tell me how it is.
It better make it to theatreS in my area!!!!
huh. i'm surprised i haven't read this! will have to now!
that's how I felt about "the Help"...had no idea it was a movie now. Well I hope this comes here too!
I will have to read this when I'm done the books I'm working on at the moment. I'm reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks right now and also Steven Tyler's new biography. I will put Snowflower and Secret Fan on my amazon wish list so I don't forget it. It's always exciting when a book becomes a movie. Usually for me it's the other way around. I see a movie and then read the book but lately I've read the book first which is kind of nice. : )
well you've convinced me I NEED to see it...looks lovely...thank you L!
I haven't read it but now you've inspired me! I need a good book at the mo!
I'll have to check this one out!
Always looking for a good read! I usually enjoy reading the book version before I go and see the movie. Will the movie be more of a chick flick [his words, not mine!] or would a hubby enjoy it as well?
Thanks for visiting my blog again Linda. Veronica has just finished her first week of therapy. Pray for her as no doubt it is painful at times.
This movie looks intriguing, but we have to wait a long time before we get them in Ukraine and not all come here. I'm following here now. Thought I already was.
Lord bless your day with His presence and joy, Coleen in Ukraine
I love when that happens too! I plan on reading Water for Elephants before I go see the movie.
Sandy xox
Oh I hope you get to see it and not disappointed. When Small Island was made into a TV drama I was not disappointed !
Hi Linda - just wanted to stop by and thank you for your sweet words of encouragement over the loss of my friend's daughter. I know it will take a long time for the grief to subside. Such sweet friends out here in blogland!!!
Now, THAT looks like a movie that I would love. I'm going to be watching for it. Hope it comes to my town!
Hi! How are you? I really think you need to post some pics of the baby's nursery once it gets started. :)
Did you read Shanghai Girls by Lisa See yet?
Guess who?? Natalie beat me to recommending that you read "The Help". Great book & I hope great movie. If you have never read "Pillars of the Earth", That is truly one of my favorites.
Never made it to lunch did we?
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