Thought you needed a "Henry fix"!
(my granddog)
He loves to swim.
He loves to go to the dog park!
He just loves to be!

.....and another sign that winter is over....

I took some pictures on the way home from church Sunday....

The Azaleas are blooming their hearts out here!

Happy Spring!
Oh, beautiful azaleas! I love all those pink colors.
...and for Henry - the word verification is...DOGitous
Azaeleas already!!!
no sign of them in these parts...but things are popping
Henry looks ready to shake all the wet off in the one pic
handsome grandson you have there!
Happy Spring!
Great shots! The dog is adorable and the azaleas are so pretty!
Lovely photos! Happy Spring to you.
Can't decide which I like more, Henry's spotted tongue or the sweet memory of how beautiful the Azaela's are in your little spot of the world this time of the year! Sweet post! Xo
I so needed to see these photos today ~ thank you for sharing a glimpse of Spring beauty with your Northern neighbors. ~ katie
Oh, my. This is not Mesa or Minneapolis or palo alto! I have never been to texas and it looks beautiful. I had no idea!
Thanks for showing us the beauty, Linda!
Thanks to Linda's friends for the kind messages about my pup. Everyone needs their Henry fix :)
Looks like a very happy doggie.
They do love the water.
Lovely, pretty azaleas.
One of my favorite plants.
Here in San Francisco, we are having a huge storm.
Hugs, Dogwood
Wow I wish it looked like that here! We had a blizzard with white-out conditions yesterday ;(
Henry is way too darn cute! I love all his wet fur! And those azaleas -- wow! Not in my icy world, I fear!
Love the wet dog photo- Henry is one handsom canine. The gardens are gorgeous-- like a postcard I have (may have to alter it and send it...) :)
still looking at snow out my window!
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