Henry is at the vet's office today.
His mom and dad think he might have eaten a foreign object.
He's only one and well... you know how they like to put everything in their mouth!
So pray Henry is okay and they get the right diagnosis and he gets treated appropriately.
UPDATE ON SATURDAY 1/15.... Henry came home today. Feels good, waiting for him to "pass" foreign object. Had barium this morning, so goes in for an IV on Sunday to help prevent dehydration. Things are looking up! Pray for passing! Thanks for the prayers and good wishes!
Oh, no! This must be so stressful for all of you who just adore this little guy...Here's praying that Henry's chosen object of ingestion is something that will fall in the category of "this too shall pass"....
If only these little fur children would understand how much we worry about them when they aren't well. They'd never eat another foreign object ever again.
So sorry you are all going through this...xo, Sue
Please keep us posted
Oh, I hope Henry is ok. So hard to have our animals ill. We had two chocolate ingestions over Christmas. We weren't being very careful :-(
Let us know, Linda...
Good luck to Henry. What an adorable dog. He is the cutest. Reminds me of my daughter's golden retriever who always has something in his mouth.
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes for Henry! Sometimes we have to do the same thing for Lurch! :)
Oh poor Henry and his parents AND his grandparents...really scary!!!
Absolutely LOVE the 'family' photo...just brilliant!
I know January is a month of sweet doggie memories for you...and this kind of scare is...well...the last thing you want to go thru!
Sending all good thoughts to you and yours Dear One!
Oh, golly -- I hope Henry passes what he needs to and soon. Not fun, that's for sure. Probably not fun going through what Harry passes, either, in the quest for knowledge. Hugs and thoughts going to you. (And great photos.)
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