Thursday, March 18, 2010

We can make these!

That's what I said to my daughter yesterday
when we were wedding shoe shopping!
Aren't they adorable!
I don't think she wants such big flowers on her's as it might interfere
under her long dress...but a smaller flower would be sweet!
They are slightly stitched on and hot glued!
If she doesn't wear it.... her momma will!
I mean...after my foot surgery I'll be all about
some fun shoes!


Anonymous said...

Pretty shoes! Good luck with the surgery. I want to see you dancing in those pretty shoes when you are all healed. :)

BadPenny said...

ooh lovely shoes but maybe painful... hey! no pain no gain !

LittleRed said...

Love the roses, they really make the shoes look like they're wearing a corsage:)

Veronika said...

too cute! I have used fake flowers in my hair, added them to my belts, shoes, purses, you name it :) love them!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

what pretty shoes. I wonder if Cinderella's glass slipper had a glass rose as beautiful as this on hers?

margaret said...

ooo... fab! am rather relieved to find the 'we' is you and not me, I have no idea where to start with these but I just know you've got a clever plan!

Unknown said...

Yes, I can see you making these, Linda! And no one will know that you didn't spend $130 for them (or whatever outrageous sum a hot glued flower embellishment costs!)

And you are already making plans for crippling yourself? ;)

verification word: "inglati"- overblown flower embellishment on Italian shoes. :)

~*~Patty Szymkowicz said...

fun shoes for you YES, definitely high heels maybe not such a good idea

Love your view of things
YES, we can make those ;)

Jeanie said...

Those are pretty and yes, you CAN make those!

Jenny said...

Those are gorgeous. You'd definitely need a tea length gown to do them justice. Good luck on your foot surgery.