Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hope, Preparation and Joy

There is a darling little girl that turned 7 last week....
that sits with her family across the aisle from me in church most Sundays....
or somewhere close by...
and sometimes she comes and sits with my husband and I.
I made the little glitter house above for her last week.
It's on a box and I put some little girl things inside
(I just so happen to HAVE a lot of little girl things in my art room!! Don't we all?)
Below is my matchbox for the first day of Advent...
you saw that here.
Nathalie is showing each one of the matchboxes each day on her blog.
You really should visit her each day to see.
You should also visit Nathalie's Etsy Shop!
She finds the most wonderful treasures
she also makes some beautiful things she offers in her shop also.
Go forth and shop!


  1. ooo I can only imagine the delight in your little friend's face when she sees this .... really wonderful and enchanted Linda! The close up view shows your precious beaded snowman's face!
    I am headed over to NNN's advent post, yours turned out great ... I still cannot imagine making 24 of anything :)

  2. Oh that is so sweet!! I know you made this little one so very happy! Glitter makes anyone happy! LOL. Giving, just like God gave us HIS more precious Son we need to pass on the thought!

  3. I love this little house. Don't know if it's the giant peppermint over the door, or the pearly snowman, but I LIKE it! Looks yummy!

    Thanks for the plug! I enjoy the consistent traffic through my etsy shop.

  4. Linda ~ you are a gal after my own heart! Your precious generous spirit and heart. The house is sugary sweet ~ I would love to go inside. I sure miss you and wish you lived closer. Love and Blessings dear and to Virginia too (when you see her!)

  5. note to self.... next time I am at KUMC ask Frank if I can sit by his wife...... I want one of those cute houses..... lol XOXOXO adorable art! I love your snowman the best!!! xo - amt

  6. what a wonderful girlie gift, love love love these houses! I'm very much enjoying the matchbox posts over at Nathalies. M
