Monday, December 7, 2009

Early Morning Visitor

Upon getting a second cup of coffee and glancing out the back window...
I saw something strange on the fence.....
I took A LOT of pictures!
I'll spare you the ones with his head
turned totally around
and the ones
of him peering down.
Didn't get any of the annoying Texas State Bird
accosting him.... our noisy Mockingbird!
Mr. Owl could not be bothered by Mockingbirds
or by the woman in the window
with her camera!
I was hyperventilating when he flew down to the patio! After grabbing the big bug and eating it... he looked at me as if to say, "Take a picture, why don't you?" ..and he left! I'm still watching for him tho.... First the snow.... then an owl! What's next? Christmas!!!


  1. Whata GORGEOUS bird! So glad you caught this encounter on "film" (er, pixels?)

    Anna will "hoo" herself when she sees this. :) Need to send her over.

  2. "Whooooo are you?" I think that is a little creepy the way he was looking at you! I'm kind of weirded out right now. Don't go out at night!



  3. That's the way it all starts...real innocent like. Check out Hitchcock's The Birds and take notes!

  4. How COOL! We have an owl and I have yet to see him in the light of day. I totally love this... and sharing it with my brother.

  5. u know if an owl comes to visit you.... you become wiser or a wise cracker (I can't remember which one?) That's so stinkin' cool! What a cute owl!! He was smart to hang at the art lady's house!! xo,

  6. How cute!! Can't believe he was out in daylight. Lucky you. VB

  7. That is so cool!!! Great pix!! I have a post on my other wordpress blog about a little screech owl who was in my barn- equally cute and unexpected! It just goes to show - never be w/o a camera!!!

  8. Whoa! That is an incredible Owl! I think they are so fascinating. What a way to start the day. You need to go buy a lottery ticket. Would hope seeing him was a fortuous sign of things to come, aka Harry Potter. Beautiful!

  9. Wow! Amazing, he is beautiful!! We don't have owls here, we have Moreporks instead :)

  10. No way!! how bizarre! it looks fake! what a rare sight- glad you had the camera handy!
    xo natalea

  11. I want to see the pictures with his head turned around. That is so cool! He is a little creepy though.

  12. So your Christmas is shaping up to be a pretty cool one! what an amazing sight in your back garden, I love the one on the patio, what a poser!! quite the charmer!

  13. OMGosh, how exciting!!! What a handsome chap he is!!! I do not know WHAT I would do if an owl came to visit our garden.
    I'm headed back for another look ...
    whooooo could imagine!

  14. oh and I Love your garden lady so much too ... she's a beauty!

  15. How cool is that!!! Lucky photo op, Linda Jo! I posted deer yesterday, but I think you win the wildlife photo contest for this week! Beautiful bird, and not very intimidated, huh!

  16. What a magical post Linda! Your owl is quite a character and those eyes ~ I love those eyes. I wish he would come visit me in Missouri.

  17. How come I was the only one freaking out about the owl???
