Thursday, July 16, 2009

Vintage Bird Swap Flies In!

Remember the Vintage Bird Swap at Danielle's blog that I joined a few months ago? Above is my offering ... before I found my carpet tacks and attached the wire hanger (and never took another photo of it). Well......yesterday I received the art from my swap partner!!!! See's so wonderful.
I really got a great swap partner, don't ya think? Her name is Susi and this is her blog.
I tried to capture the color and texture by tweeking this in Photoshop.... never did really do it justice! Take my word it is exquisite....


  1. stunning swap! aren't you the lucky one!! great link too, I'll never get those inchies stuck down, too busy reading...

  2. I love your nest and yes, you have a great swap partner!

  3. this was a terrific swap! i think we should do it again! anything with birds and i'm game. your canvas is hanging near my desk... love it!

  4. I love the one you made and also the one you received! This was so much fun to do. I hope the person that gets mine likes it, too!!

  5. Linda, Beautiful vintage bird collages! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and your sweet comments! :) The vintage bird collage swap was sooo much fun! I'll add you as a link on my blog. Enjoy your summer! Connie

  6. Love both of them - I really like your idea for making the nest!!!

  7. Really lovely canvases, is that nest made of clay on Susi's?
    You both did good!!! REAL good!!!
