Monday, May 5, 2008


The title of this is "Compulsory Education" which is the name the artist gave his painting of the girl and her dog. I did this for Laura's Challenge , which was to be a 3 x 5 with a friendship theme. You must remember that friendship for me includes my dog....Charley... who is usually right at my feet in the art room. So it wasn't until I scanned this that it hit me that maybe others might not get the friendship part of it. Oh well! Be sure and visit Laura's blog and participate in one of her challenges. I'm not sure who I'm going to send it to... probably someone on my RAK list! Do you love this bird right above here? Cindy Ericsson sent it to me last week as a RAK. (Random Act of Kindness) on the Christian Paper Artists Yahoo on sidebar. I love it!!!! I really love the buttons linked together to hang it with! My friend Anna sent me this card ... as she is apt to do... and I thought I better photograph it and share with you, too. Another bird. Yes, my friends know I have a thing for birds!
I titled this post Rain because it has rained ALL day here in the greater Houston area. So I've actually stayed home and gotten a few domestic things done - like cleaning up my art room - that's domestic. Right? Right as rain!


  1. Linda - it was YOUR blog that got me started on Paladin! You were showing those videos and it got me thinking about what I used to watch on TV, then what I used to play, and on and on. I'm glad you stirred that up - I haven't thought about it for quite awhile!

    It's raining a little here today, too, but I've been busy inside so I guess I didn't miss too much outside. Hope you have a great week! Vickie

  2. Hi Linda! My package arrived late this afternoon and I'll be posting a pic of it on my blog this week. I love what you sent me. Just my era!

    Love the card and the birdies.

    Thanks so much for my prezzies!


  3. Really Pretty in here!!lol...Thanks for visiting me..We "Good Earthers" need to stick together!lolol...Happy day to you!!hugshugs

  4. Linda, your Friendship Skinny is Wonderful!! Thank you for joining us!
    Hugs, Laura

  5. Oh wow what a cute Skinny. Gorgeous. Love it.

  6. Linda,
    Love the birds! Especially the buttons! Tell me about the RAK in the Christian Paper Artist group. I would love to know more about it! Blessings, Katie
