Tuesday, May 6, 2008

....ing butterflies

You see yesterday my title was Rain and today it's ...ing butterflies. You have to pay close attention to get all the subtleness on this blog. Try and keep up.
Okay...today I made my butterfly inchies - I love them - but they didn't photograph very well - maybe scanning would work better? They are on those pop dots....so not sure...will try later. I also added something to the top of yesterday's friendship skinny. See below!


  1. ohhhhh yes - i love the butterflies! b and w! sooooo striking - you did well! and i love your challenge of Compulsory Education - very witty! thanks for putting my card on the blog - i could not remember which one i send you? &&*^%$ OHHH - I am working on a package to send you in a few days :) xoxoxo anna

  2. Linda,
    Your butterflies are awesome! The lace accent on the card is perfect. I wonder what she is reading to that hound dog. Hopefully it isn't Old Yeller. Oh my.


  3. Linda,
    Your butterfly inchies came out wonderful as well as your friendship piece below. That hanging bird is too cute! Looks like you had a productive couple of days, despite the rain.
    Speak to you soon,

  4. ah, but I read the blog from the top down, hadn't yet got to "rain", and read "...ing butterflies" as something else entirely :D

    I thought maybe you had gotten really fed up of making inchies :)

    these, along with the ATCs above and the friendhip piece below are lovely. thank you for commenting on my blog which in turn took me to yours :)

  5. Ohhhhhhhhh my goodness. rotfl I had not even thought of that...now that's all I can see. Maybe I should change it?
