Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Charms, Dangles, Brooches... Oh My!

All of the brooches and charms/danglies are in for the recent Queen Bee Five Swap!
I showed you Patty's...above... last week.... It's a zipper...duh... but do you realize she painted it!????
Above is the one Carole made for me! It is perfect.... just the stuff I love!
Above is the one Margaret made! Yeah, I know.... perfect, too.
Nathalie's! Brilliant! Love the buttons and yo-yo's! My BFF Virginia will be drooling. You saw Patty's charms...above.... but had to share again!
Above is Carole's.....
They have these bottlecaps in New Zealand with a bird!
Every so often she sends us a pack of em!
And...Margaret.... you know I fall all over myself over every thing she makes....
She painted those crowns for each of us because you know we do have color preferences.
And Nathalie.... that's a bobbin... forgive my picture taking.
And she packaged it in a little matchbox that also said "hope" on it.
You need to check out their blogs, too...
and see the charms and brooches they received.
Are you ready for Valentine's Day?


  1. WOWEE it sure is nice to see all of the lovely creativity!
    You did a splendid job on the post too Linda!!!

  2. they are all just gorgeous!


  3. Good grief! What talent! What group is this swap from? The pictures are all lovely.

  4. Hi Linda!!!
    Wow girl, ya'll are ALWAYS doing something fun!!!
    These are just gorgeous and where the heck do ya'll come up with these fascinating ideas??? wow!!!
    I'm going to Lowe's to get me some paint chips so I can just stamp my little heart out!
    everything vintage

  5. wonderful to see all of your creative pieces together what talent! xo

  6. I just told Patty she was in great swaps! You're in the same ones! Nice post, lots of inspiration here!

  7. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I really like your blog!!

    Common Cents

    ps. Link Exchange?

  8. Great post Linda! so wonderful to see everything together, I'm doing a bit of a contented sigh... love love love being part of this group! Mx

  9. Hello Linda,
    Thankyou so much for popping in to my blog.
    I am so sorry that you lost your beautiful Charley to cancer,and at a relatively young age too.I know how devastated you must feel as we had to go through the trauma ourselves when our first golden had to be put to sleep.She was a very good age...16yrs.She was my first dog ( I got her before I was married) and we had such a special bond.I know it's not easy, but try and think of all the good times you had together and the special will get easier as time goes by...believe me.

    Bellaboo :-)

  10. Hi Linda, thanks for popping over- you are very welcome for my comment. I can't get used to the idea that a lot of ( American ? ) bloggers follow with an email - it doesn't seem necessary to me but hey ! if you want to I'm

    I've been a long admirer of your work & that of your swap partners. I've tried to get a little bit back into art work myself recently here:

    I'm loving all the recent swaps !

  11. Beautiful pieces.... the zipper is my favorite. I am just not that creative, I would have never enve thought to try it.

  12. Love all the brooches and danglies. You girls did a marvelous job! VB

  13. Great post! You have us all so nicely presented. I haven't gotten Carole's yet, but I'm excited that she made something with those bottle caps unique to NZ. I already know I'll be wearing it!

  14. Oh how lovely. I'm glad I wandered over here!
