Sunday, February 7, 2010

Angels Among Us...for sure!

My good friend, Patty, sent me a little "just because" package that came yesterday!
She is so sweet and thoughtful and such a woman of mystery!
You know how we lost our beloved Art Dog Charley last weekend...
I appreciate all of your wonderful comments.
I could not believe all of the good thoughts and prayers that were sent our way.
The blogworld is a blessing!
Receiving some of Patty's special art is always such a gift...
and I love this piece she sent...
and it came with some other goodies that Patty knew I could put to good use.
I must mention that I didn't know WHERE to open her envelope as she stitched one end closed and the other end had fabric with little birds glued around it... I didn't want to tear into either end. But I forced myself to cut through the stitched lines.
I won Jeannie...aka Marmelade Gypsy's Blog Anniversary Give Away
recently and below is what I got in the mail from her!
A little altered composition book
with darling girls on the front
and some other trims and feathers and such.
Look at these!
They will get sewn on something wonderful!


  1. What great mail! And you are so lucky with winning giveaways!

  2. how wonderful!! you are so loved!
    I love your brooch swap - the zipper flower is amazing! Actually, all of them look so fantastic!!

  3. what a sweet friend! Everything is lovely.

  4. awww what a sweet post to be surprised by dear Linda!
    I thought you might be able to pull the birdie fabric off the envelope as I just used stick glue to attach it ... one of those last moment ideas, that and sewing the envie closed ... tape always goes wonky on me ;)
    Such precious things from Jeanie!!! fun when the mailbox is full of surprises!!! and you deserve it!
    Take care my friend!
    word verification: "frostro"
    which is what we're going to be here in VA after we get the next 10-20 inches!!!

  5. Lucky girl indeed! What wonderful mail love!!! I am loving your new blog banner too! Many Blessings my friend! XO

  6. Patty's work is exquisite and this may be one of my favorites. Gorgeous! I did some cards and made napkin rings with that trim! Actually, the red was great on white cards for the holidays. I'm making more but let me know if you need more of the red felty stuff!

  7. I love what Patty gave you. So sweet.

  8. ok this is a test
    and I DO see the name and blog addie options I was telling you about, let's see how this comes to you :)
