Friday, January 9, 2009

This just in....

I know there are people wondering what I'm doing and why my blog hasn't been updated.... I do read my email. ha!!! Well, my DH gave me a certificate for Christmas that said I could buy whatever I needed to organize my art room. I didn't really need for him to tell me that or give me that.... being the independent, stubborn woman I am.... but it definitely helped get me going!! He is so supportive of my art, crafts, needlework, junking. I am very blessed. But then he plays there ya go.
So last Saturday we made a trip to The Container Store. Now let me say this... my room is in no way finished.... I haven't organized everything yet...but the furniture is all in place and I just needed to update my blog and I have nothing else to show you. !!! BEFORE
The Art Dog is so happy to have a large area to lie in... because he is going to be in the art room if I am in the art room and he WILL find a place. So... my shelves are not organized it will all be better soon and I'll post an update.
My BFF Virginia came over on Tuesday and we moved furniture! One of her God given gifts is the Gift of Organization.... below is a picture of her helping Pam Garrison organize her class at Silver Bella in November. God Bless Virginia!


  1. Linda! I am so glad we are still in touch!

    Your newly organized art room looks great!

  2. Pam had the same look on her face that I saw on yours as we did 'just one more' organizing task! That was fun and actually helped me to go home and tidy up my own room! VB

  3. Linda, what amazes me is how the wall color changed in your studio after the gold colored bedspread left! I adh no idea how BIG a space you had since you only ever posted photos of the non-bedroom side of the room. Good for you fro now having it ALL (except for what Art Dog has claimed. heehee!)

  4. Linda:

    Love your new room! I think I am jealous of your organization...and jealousy is not a good thing! I am proud of you. I know how hard it is for creative people to organize!!!

    You need to come over to my blog and check out yesterday's post on husband's blog names. I noticed your husband has one!


  5. Oh my gosh! What a transformation and what a lovely big room. My room is like a tiny cupboard so trying to keep it organised is a bit of a nightmare! There certainly wouldn't be room for myself AND Art Dog!!
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment - I much appreciate it.

  6. Well, that hubby is a keeper!! Mine's golf guilt sent me to Silver Bella. I sure like how your golfer repays. Maybe they could get together and your's could make suggestions to mine! Love the room-to-be and the loyal friend (Art Dog)...guess I mean Virginia, too. Tee, hee...

  7. great post :) I want to come and play!! better yet I want you and Virginia to help me with my mess :) If only money were no object...... I'd fly you both out.... one to help me with design and the other to help with organizing!! xoxo anna

  8. What a great space! I love it. After you and Virginia do Anna's studio, come and do mine. You might want to send Virginia ahead to work with me -- organizational skills I have not.
    p.s. Go look at your friend Amy's Inspireco blog to see her pretty pink house.

  9. I want an ART DOG. That must be what makes you so creative....your little muse.

    Your room looks great. All that "golfing" paid off for you.

    xoxo, Julia

  10. Linda,

    How fun! My future art/craft room is filled with garage sale items! Someday...

    Have you seen Where Women Create by Jo Packham? It is the most amazing book featuring the studio/art rooms of all sorts of creative women! You'll love it!

    I got my deck of cards! I love them! Thank you.


  11. Looks amazing...please come over and do mine! LOL. Yes, we have ART CATS over we understand totally! : D


  12. It must be in the air Linda, I bought a set of storage boxes yesterday as I got sick of constantly looking for things! Your room looks amazing, can't wait to see what creations come out of there. I sent you a little paper package last week, something more to put away! Mxox

  13. I love the stamp wall - I would love to have ledges to display my stamps! It all looks good.

  14. Linda, it looks great! It's such a nice big space, too! I hope you can get used to the change and start making some new things soon! Virginia is lucky to live so close and be able to get in there and help you! have a good week, xo nat

  15. Awwww! It's so nice to be missed! But I am back...
    I LOVE your new look for your studio! YOU lucky girl, you! And what a little blessing you have in Virginia helping you out! OKay, when are the two of you making a trip up here and helping me give my studio a face lift! LOL
    And thank you, sweet friend, I noticed you thanked me and linked me permanantly (for now) in your side bar! What a GREAT idea!
    Happy New Year, friend!

  16. MY room looks much better now! You have to admit, I didn't ever have it that messy growing up! ;-)

  17. Dang girl. You have a serious "problem'. I had no idea you were that involved with your scrapping stuff. I am like Virginia. The before pictures kind of make my hands clammy. I am amazed at how much stuff you have. I would have to say that my heart is with Charly's. He looks like he is just pooped from watching you work so hard to clean up. I gotta come over and see this room for myself!

  18. linda,

    love what you did with the place! it's funny i always have to start out clean and then and then i can't find anything...i just don't know what happens! enjoying your blog,
    happy 2009!

  19. ooo that IS a big play room Lidna!!!
    I would Love one that size ... organized or not :)
