Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's 2009!

has these on her blog...all kinds...
go have a look and grab some they are her gift!
I hope you are having a good year so far! DH took the lights down outside! He did it without me even asking! I think he's playing golf tomorrow... the man does understand how the world turns.
And I spent some time in the art room...made a couple of things....not finished yet....but almost. I even shopped on Etsy...yesterday AND today!
Life is good!
I'm catching up on some blogs tonight. Malisa who lives just up the road a piece from me.......talkin local now.... has a great poem on her blog that I want to steal...but I'll just send you there to read it. The one on December 26 is the one I'm referring to!


  1. Hi Linda Jo! Glad you could use an image! I think I'll post them more often, I have a ton of vintage romantic ones...would be great for Valentine's. My husband took our lights down last weekend, and without me asking, too! I think after ALL these years he's learned that Christmas lights don't look good in February! (Helps our daughters say things...)

    Have a great weekend, Hugs, Heidi

  2. Well, thank you, Linda! You just made my day! What a way to start off the New Year...with someone admiring your work! Thanks a million!


  3. Happy New Year!! fab links but can't wait to see what's going on in your art room?? do tell... creating a storm with photoshop I'll bet ha ha!! I reckon I need more than that! my lovely red cheeks were courtesy of crayons and that look of petulance, au naturel!(my poor mother!) I had thought of 'an inchie a day keeps the blues away' for 2009 but by then end of the other project I'd had enough so I think I'll just potter along. I like the idea of a journal for a month, think I can just about manage that!

  4. Malisa's poem is priceless! I was just thinking about making Valentine cards- my second chance at sending cards to people that didn't get Christmas cards from me! ha!

  5. Hi sweet friend ~ how I've missed you! I have a pickle/dilema and thought you could advise me. Which Winter ezine offering from Silver Bella should I try to do? I would love both, but can only choose one ~ which do you suggest? I knew you would know.

    Happy 2009 to you! I hope it is filled to the brim of blessings for you and yours!


  6. Happy New Year!!!!! I have just discovered ETSY...Trav is in big trouble!

  7. I have to add a comment about lights.... ours are all down accept for some around the eaves. DH insistes they are unplugged, but they still come on from 3am- 6 am every morning! RoFLing! How funny is THAT?

  8. I got in trouble following your links... I browsed blogs for hours!!! I need to post my fabulous finds.
