Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fragments and such!

As you know, BFF Virginia and I
exchange stitched fragments
each month this year.
I finally took my June fragment over to her Sunday.
I used Geninne's bird again.

And, yes, I left that button off the bottom....to look like it's lost.

I'm trying to not be so predictable.

Does it bother you that it's not there?

I have this great little beaded flag purse


I laid my stitchery on it for the photo op...

July is a big birthday month at BFFV's house.....

and since Sunday was my country's birthday ...

thought I'd take a picture.....

It's a big month!


  1. Wonderful stitchery! Love the banner above the bird - did I already tell you that??

  2. It really didn't bother me until you pointed it out ~ now I think about it all the time ; ).

    You and Virginia and your stitching ~ I am loving every bit of it! Tell her hi and hugs from me, I love you gals!

    (Hey! I coming to Dallas this week! So I will be in your neck of the country sorta)

  3. fun that the button "fell" off and your birdie and banner are precious!

    Celebrate BIG!!! Happy Happy to All!

  4. Love these! Enjoyed a first visit.

  5. Always love to see what you are stitching. Love the birdie and the forgotten button. All too cute! Hope you had a great 4th of July.

    Irma :)

  6. Love your stichery and no it doesn't bother me about the button! The summer banner is fab, yet another thing I could've put on your stitchery ho hum...

  7. Wonderful stitchery. I like the look of the lost button. Very interesting.


  8. How clever to "lose" a button! I may have to use that somewhere. Adds a lot of character. Your stitching is always wonderful, Linda!

  9. Your stitchery is wonderful, the banner is incredible and the wall art....FABULOUS!!!!! :) Too bad I don't live close enough to come take a tour inside, so I can see all of your glorious treasures. I'm sure I'd be mesmerized by the artful beauty throughout!! :)
    Hugs, Ashlyn

  10. Love the banner! It's terrific~

  11. Love your birthday banner!
