Friday, May 14, 2010

My loot!

I've gotten some wonderful things in the mail these last few weeks from my online friends!
Above is an adorable cat ATC from Jeanie!
She hopes I will soon be as frisky as a kitten..
I hope so.....that would be a miracle as I
wasn't that frisky BEFORE surgery!
And she sent a lovely card and bookmark ... I've been reading A LOT!
My QB5 friend, Patty, was making these wonderful spoon garden markers -
with her delightful husband -
and I immediately "ordered" a couple from her!
BFF Virginia got one for her birthday from me.
(since my original gift to her she had already bought for herself...
I felt I was ahead of her on at least this one)
Anyway......... Patty's husband hurt his finger last weekend on
another activity and is out of commission right now for pounding spoons....
but he shall return!

I've been inserting cards in my Remains of the Day journal..... so I didn't take pictures of

all of them......... but Anna if you could look at my journal next time you are here.....

...and speaking of journals...

You should go see what Carole is offering!

An online journal class and you get to hear her delightful accent!

Next week is my "birthday week" and gifts have been pouring in for a week now...

....just kidding....

...kind of....

so I'll show you those goodies next week!


  1. Serious wow! Great loot! Hope you are feeling much better -- every day...!

  2. How nice that your mailbox has been full of treats and surprises!
    Now come on, you know it's going to be your birthday MONTH!
    A week is surely not long enough to party party party ;)
    Do try and find some time to put your foot up Missy!

  3. Yes, indeed! Wonderful loot. Sure love those pounded spoons!

    Here's to an overflowing mailbox for your birthday! I never get tired of my birthday...or any excuse for presents!


  4. Wow, you should have foot surgery more often-- you really rake in the mailed loot! This will be one memorable birthday (month)!

    Hope you ARE friskier than you were before!
