Thursday, May 20, 2010

Match This!

Don't you love these little matchboxes that people are swapping!
Patty does a great matchbox!
And...she sent this one to me!
She is so giving... and makes such wonderful things.
It was wrapped so sweetly.
You know how we are ...
all of us that read these blogs ...
the entire package is joyous.
We covet the paper and ribbons as much as the gift they hold.
Below is an overhead shot of all the goodies Patty sent me for my birthday.
Please understand that Patty and I have a long standing friendship.
She is not a blog stalker. rofl
Not that I know what a blog stalker is or anything.


  1. I'm with you on the wrapping! I never want to unwrap anything!

  2. Merry Christmas
    Happy Birthday
    just because
    it is always fun to give and share with appreciative and deserving artsy friends :)
    Keep Celebrating!
    word verification: "hywoothe"
    (does NOT sound like something a stalker would say ... I think ... LOL)

  3. Oooo, love the matchbox inside and out. That bee paper (?) looks fun. Glycerine soap, my favorite, and Virginia peanuts! Patty covered all of the bases. No wait. Was there any chocolate, or did you eat it already? :)

  4. That sweet little Patty! Between her prolific creating streaks, out spreading smiles throughout the blogosphere, I'm convinced she doesn't sleep, EVER! Happy bee-lated BDAY to you and hope your recovery from your surgery is continuing to progress nicely.

  5. That is one great matchbox and the wrapping...woo! You are lucky to be long-standing friends with Patty! I wouldn't even care if she was a blog-stalker ;-)

    Seriously, artily-oriented gift!

  6. What fun loot you have there gal! You have touched so many lives and I thank my luckiest stars that you came into my life! You are the dearest ~ Happy Everything!!!

  7. Patty does such wonderful work! What a lucky friend you are! It's fabulouse!
