Monday, May 24, 2010

I Shopped!

Well...I ate first!
The birthday celebration continued into the weekend with the family.
Saturday night we met the kids for dinner!
We have to eat the local fare while it's still available.... let's don't get into THAT! was delicious and we had a great time together as we always do!
Then I told DH (dear husband) that I had someplace
I had to go before the end of the month.
He could take me on Sunday or over Memorial Day Weekend!
He chose Sunday!
(Remember I'm still recovering from complicated foot surgery)
So after church on Sunday we headed to Highland Village! The game had already started... traffic is great on Sundays! You see if you have an Anthro card ... indicating you are a valued customer... you get a special gift during your birthday month! Each year it's different... last year was a darling little muslin pocket with buttons... This year.... a necklace! I had to use it! I'm always nervous about taking photos in there... so this is a little blurry.... but look at the name - don't see it spelled that way too often! Of course...the only Nathalie I know is here.... but you should check this one out, too! My camera battery died after I took that picture! But not to be denied, I whipped out my phone! Aren't these adorable! They were each well over $200. Of course they were! So....that was my first shopping experience since April 15th! I thought it was a good choice!


  1. How divine! I always think of "birthday gras" -- like Mardi only merrier! What a grand time you had -- and you deserve it!

  2. I like the photo of the sea bug…

  3. Thank you for taking us along!!!
    Nice birdies, but good golly!
    Thanks to you I should get an Anthro card this year for the first time ... YES I'm sorry we didn't pop in to the store here in VA ... guess we'll have to go back, I wanted to wait until they redid the windows anyway ;)
    Glad the celebrating keeps going and going ... Enjoy being the Birthday Queen!

  4. great fun going with you birthday girl!!

  5. very good choice indeed! xo

  6. Belated Happy Birthday Linda. You had some lovely gifts

  7. fun!! those birds are AWESOME!!! you should have splurged (yah - easy for me to say....) what a cute birthday treat from anthro!!! glad you got in some good crawfish..... pappadeux? yum yum - my favorite is the greek salad at pappas. I miss houston and my besties that live there :)

  8. I hope you didn't have to turn that cute card in!!!!

  9. Fun, fun, fun! So glad you had a wonderful time. :)

  10. Perfect choice indeed!
    And thanks for the shout out.

    I need to dye my hair jet black, lose 50 pounds and change my last name to something more exotic.


    as IF!
