Monday, April 19, 2010

In case you wondered...

Here are some favorites of mine on Flickr that I thought you may have not seen.
You should check the art of these women out!
My foot surgery on the 15th went well.
Was abit more involved than expected...but all is well.
Just have to be off my foot for 3 weeks minimum.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.... keep em coming.
Just want to heal well and...of course... quickly!


  1. that cushion is pretty darn cute!! Are you bored yet???
    LOL x

  2. I'm with Carole- love the town homes!

    Are you sore yet from lying about? Sending you prayers and good wishes for endurng the healing. A marathon in patience. :)

  3. Hello, my friend!

    I was wondering about your surgery -- just got back from my art retreat weekend and yours was one of the first blogs I came to visit. Glad is going well and hope the recuperation isn't painful. How long do you expect to be on the mend?

  4. All equally cute things:) Hope you are feeling well!

  5. Prayers and healing wishes continue to wing their way to you dear Linda!
    Love these stitcheries and more!

  6. me again, just did some clicking and oh my oh my ... those are some fabby links
    You are a Flickr enabler woman! :)

  7. that's my cushion :))
    thanks for sharing my work!!
    Hope you are feeling well!

  8. These are gorgeous! Will have to hop over and view those photos. What lovely, dreamy inspiration. I hope your healing continues to progress nicely. That's a long time to stay low but hopefully you're discovering lots of creative ways to stay distracted! If you get a chance, come over and sign up for my giveaway!

  9. I especially love the stitched cushions! I hope you have a quick recovery!


  10. I love the cushion! Makes me want to make a pillowcase!

  11. I hope you have some help in taking care of yourself. If i were there, I would bring you a nice Minnesota Hotdish and some bars!

    I'll keep you in my prayers that the healing goes well.

    Hey, we got a piece on Etsy Finds today. Kat and I were so excited! We were just stunned and only foudn out through a friend. That was another fun adventure in bloglandia.

    Hugs to you, Linda,

  12. catching up here - sorry to hear about your op - rest up. Thank you for your comment - I had thought of making a dress for Margaret's dress up from something from the Erosion bundle ! Funnily enough I had a tie & Dye dress which I loved which the brown mottled mouldy fabric reminds me of !

    Take care xx
