Monday, March 15, 2010

Time Marches On...

Look what I got in the mail on Saturday!
Anna made this for me...
a little stitchery made into a pillow
in remembrance of Charley.
Isn't that the sweetest!
Anna is a dear friend that moved far away,
but we are able to stay in close touch because we rock the internet!
I know you are waiting to see the March fragments
that Virginia and I exchanged.....
First up is the piece she made for me...... so sweet ....
What you really need to remember about Virginia
is she never just makes one.
She makes one for me and one for herself.
I do well to make one of anything.... below is what I made for her.
I saw it here!


  1. Those are all just plum pretty:)

  2. You embroidery queen, you! :)

  3. Anna is a such a dear! What a cute pillow!

    And you and Virginia rock too!

  4. I love Virginia's flower garden.... your spring bulb is awesome, too!! i really LOVE how you both are incorporating so much fabric into your work. It's so "crafty". p.s. glad u like the Charley pillow. xo,

  5. How sweet of Anna and what a good idea! It's darling. I'll just add a comment about my stitching piece. I went to an awesome store in Houston called High Fashion Home where I helped myself to their fabric swatches and helped myself to their fabric swatches and helped myself to their fabric swatches (!!!). It was so much fun and those swatches looked like a bunch of flowers to me...that's where the inspiration for my little stitching came from. Moral of the story: help yourself. And don't you love Linda's hyacinth...I do and it's mine!! VB

  6. Oh super cute pillow! Virginia does such lovely work, she really needs to get a blog, (have I already said that or maybe you did??) love your stichery too!

  7. You inspire your friends! Aren't good friends just the best thing? You are truly blessed and you both do such sweet work!

  8. Viginia (Ms Anonymous), you are a naughty girl. What a great idea!! Think you are onto something!!

  9. Linda, you have some lovely work here! x

  10. you and Virginia are the bestest of swap buddies ... SO lovely!

    I got choked up seeing precious Charley with his little wings ... that is ... looking for the perfect word ... wonderful!!!

    Hope you had a Happy St Paddy's Day Lassie!

  11. Loved the visit... my first time here. I linked from Lorrie (Fabric, Paper Thread).
