Monday, February 1, 2010


April 1, 2002 - January 30, 2010
We lost him Saturday.... totally unexpected.

When he refused to eat we knew there was a problem.
Our vet sent us to the best in Houston...
An ultrasound at the Gulf Coast Veterinary Hospital
showed blood in his abdomen,
two tumors on his liver,
fluid around his lungs..... nothing could be done.
It came on very quickly
and the vet said
that's how this particular cancer is
and nothing could be done or foreseen.
For more pictures of Charley, aka "art dog"...

Art Dog watching football Art Dog Goes Hunting Art Dog on Draft Day An Art Dog Mosaic Art Dog in the snow!


  1. My favorites are Charley
    "Watching Football" (just like a man!- although your son is wide awake in the background! haha!) and the mosaic (suitable for framing). A beautiful tribute to a dog I never met in person, but probably would have loved. :)

  2. What a sweetheart! Sooo very sorry for your loss. Sweet dreams Charley (sniff) LindaSonia

  3. Such a lovable dog! I have the best memory of Wesley and Charley -
    Wesley still remembers playing with Charley even though he was just a toddler. I can still see Wesley lying on Charley!!! I know you all are hurting. VB

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember, he will be waitin for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

  5. Oh Linda, I'm so sorry for your loss. The weather kind of matches this news - my sympathies to all of your family. Be good to yourself.

  6. Praying for y'all. Great post - very beautiful pic of the Art Dog, our paper mascot. You are loved. xo, Anna

  7. oh miss linda...
    i am so sorry!
    these little
    creatures just
    steal away our
    hearts...and it
    leaves an ache
    when they are
    gone. i feel
    for you and your

  8. oh Linda! I'm so sorry to hear this. Such a sweet doggie face. My parents lost their Golden last year and I know how sweet they are and how tough it is to see them go. Poor thing. thinking of you...
    xo natalea

  9. Linda, I am so sad about this. I know your family is grieving. I have loved getting to know ArtDog through your blog and I will miss him. It's good to know he's out of pain.

    Love and hugs, Julia

  10. Oh, Linda! I am so sorry to hear about Charley! You gave him the best home and he gave you many special memories! We will miss you, Charley!

  11. What a sad post. I do love the pic of him on the ottoman! Looks like he just had a can of beer and has nodded off to sleep! :)

  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. Charley is a beautiful boy and it's obvious how much you love him. I just lost my kitty unexpectedly a few months ago, so I'm all too familiar with the shock and rawness of the pain in your heart. I do believe we will see our beloved furbabies again and I found the book Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates by Gary Kurz to be comforting. Take care and take comfort knowing that Charley is safe in God's care.

  13. I'm so sorry Linda, it makes me very sad to read your post.

    Charley in the hat is still my fav! what a special dog he was.

    I hope you guys are getting by, I know he meant so much to you all. Sending lots of hugs your way. Mxx

  14. Hello Linda,
    I'm so so sorry for your loss...pets are an actual family member with their own personalities...and I'm sure Charley will be missed.

    hang in there...

  15. God gives us these friends to love us completely and I know that mine teach me everyday what true love is. I am so sad to hear of your loss and the photos show what a character Charley was/is... xo

  16. OOOOHHHH! Linda, I am so sorry. Our animals crave out such deep places in our hearts. Hugs and that is all I can think of to say. Big Hugs.

  17. Oh I'm so sorry - very sad. Our Sam ( a goldie too ) will be 15 soon & is slowing down more & more each day until one day he will stop. I'm so sorry your Charlie has gone.

  18. Hi Linda,

    I came across your blog while browsing the Remains of the Day class blog.

    We also have two Goldens (7 & 8 yrs old) and my heart breaks for you. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


  19. I lost two of my childhood pets these last 2 years. it's heartbreaking to have someone in your life for 15 years and for them to be gone. Especially the most loyal souls on the earth. I pray for healing and peace for you :)
    Angela Harris

  20. Linda, sorry about your sweet dog.

  21. Oh, Linda. My heart is breaking for you. I think it is as hard to lose a beloved furry family member as one with two legs sometimes. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. My heart and thoughts are with you -- perhaps Charley will meet up with Stimpy at the Rainbow Bridge, and wait (a long while) till we come along.

  22. Hi Linda..It's me Carmelina..
    I just wanted to let you know I'm having my first GIVE A WAY...!!!

    come leave a comment to enter, winner will be picked on Friday...

    pass it on

  23. Oh Linda Jo I'm so sorry you lost Charley. Just look at that face. He was so handsome and I'm sure that he will be missed. He didn't appear to suffer and that is good. My condolences to you - we lost our lab last summer and it's hard. I'm so sorry.

  24. Saw your comment on Bellascounty and had to come over. I lost a beautiful black lab (my soulmate) five years ago to cancer. I am so sorry for your loss. Am sure you must have so many wonderful memories to comfort you, he looks a beauty xx

    Warm hugs


  25. So sorry to hear of the sudden loss of Art Dog, what a gem of a pooch. We had a cancer scare with our five year old Irish Red & White just before Silver Bella. My heart feels for you.

  26. I have been waiting to see if you would post on Charley. Boy, I waited long enough. I love looking at the pictures. I LOVE the game day picture (with a diet Dr. P, of course). He was so special and so loving. How lucky you were to be his momma. I know he is on the Rainbow Bridge with Dixie, Enzo and others. XOXO
