Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where I spent my New Year's Eve...

For the last 30 years DH and I have spent the evening with
our dear friends David and Virginia. It started out with
a group of about 6 couples and over the years has
changed.... the only consistent part is the four of us.
When we lived in California we flew back for it.
In 2003 my dad was in the ER... that's the only year we missed.
After 30 years of celebrating the arrival of the new year,
we've gotten a little quieter and Virginia and I often
make something or at least talk about making something.
We did complete a project that night...
but can't show my QB5 friends yet!
but until then.... here is what I saw...
Virginia made the little penguin
from the Martha Stewart Living
Christmas issue....
she gave it to moi!
Below is her little village of houses...before she added the one I gave her....
on the right is her pink house from Charlotte Lyons' class at Silver Bella 08
and also the pink one
just to the right of the red building.
Far left you can see one of my little snowman bottles!

Her Sid Dickens plaques!

She made a version of the trees Cari Kraft did for the Silver Bella 09 luncheon....

Here is THE BIRD from the Denise Sharp class at SB 09. And her Lineage of Love from the Pam Garrison class SB 09. This photo was taken last summer I think.... but I never showed you.... just one side of her art room.... So that's how I spent my New Year's Eve! And you got to see BFF Virginia's stuff! No, she doesn't have a blog.... but there is hope for an Etsy store soon! We must continue to encourage her!!!


  1. VIRGINIA!!!!!! I want to be your BFF..... I LOVE the penguins. When I come this summer PLEASE show me how to make those .....please.... or just open up an etsy shop and I promise u I'll buy one (or two) Linda - what a fun night!! Virginia's house is beautiful.... and what a fun art room, TOO! Good times with Good friends and good paper art! Yahoo - you two!!

  2. OK!!!!!!!!!! Tell VA!! that if I don't get invited over soon I will be sulking the whole year!! AND it is ONly Jan 3rd! You two friends are so blessed!! LOVE you both. I am blessed by your friendship! Remember...I was sitting behind you when you SAW that penguin for the first time. I am still looking forwarding to roving, rowing, towing, whatever!!

  3. Oh I would love to know how to make those trees. They are so sweet and sassy.

    Happy New Year! Crafting is a wonderful way to begin.


  4. What a lot of wonder to see and you get to see it in person AND take home a precious penguin!!!
    New Years Eve sounds like a really special time for all these years!

  5. I love those trees too! I really like the sassy upturn of the branches, that she did, but I also like the scrunched and flattened version that I did! So many possibilities!!! Happy New Year to you and Virginia!


  6. I think Virginia is a very clever friend indeed! I would love to have someone that I could pop round to their house for a crafting evening! Gorgeous penguin! Looks like there's a cue at Virginia's Etsy store door!

  7. wow, what a way to start the New Year, surrounded by such creativity, love love all of it!

  8. Linda, You and Virginia really should take a class at Frank's...they do all that fun stuff with wool. If I had the time, I might even get involved in wool. But I still have unfinished SB 08 stuff in my craft room. Working and crafting don't go together!

    How are the wedding plans going?

    We need to meet for a Saturday lunch this spring...Julia

  9. Thanks for the inspiring photos! Virginia is a well kept secret. Really, she MUST start a blog! Is there a petition to sign?

    I am amzed by her custon dust jackets on her collection of books. A GREAT idea for turning a dull shelf into a conversation piece!

  10. She is GOOD!!!!!! Gimin, get on it!

  11. Lovin' that linneage of love! Everything, actually! The penguin tis the most cute thing ever. OK, another project in the pile...

  12. Those are gorgeous creations! And such a neat room to make stuff in! I know you had a blast.

    I've wanted chickens, too, forever, and have begged, pleaded and cajoled to get 'em. I promise, this chicken is a stray, but I'm thinkin' is it a SIGN??? Is it time for me to really get some chickens??? How could a person have a stray chicken? Did somebody throw it out the car window at my farm? Don't know, but I'm sure having fun with it!
