Saturday, January 9, 2010

State of Freeze

While being frozen ....
this child of the south stays inside....
so I've been busy in the art room..
I finished my brooches for one swap...which I'm not showing yet.
And I finished my danglies or whatever they are called for the QB5 swap....
above is a tease!
After completing them...I
watched tutorials
on wire wrapping.
But...I am NOT redoing these!!!
Fortunately, my mail still arrives....
I got this scrumptious winter delight this week
from Katie..aka Ragamuffingal!
There is a green mitten in that box with bells on it!!
I think the Winter Wishes bottle has brought the bird community
together out of curiosity...

I also added some links to my blog roll there to the left, and removed some that have not updated in forever!

Is it cold where you are?


  1. Not very cold, for this time of year. In fact, maybe a little warmer than usual. But lots of rain. Sigh.

    Looks like you're having fun in spite of shivering.


  2. Nice gifties! I don't blame you for not redoing the wire wrapping. It's all good. I get like that, thinking I need to re do something when it's not perfect. It doesn't have to be's handmade! Like the look of your blog roll.

  3. Linda, you'll beable to try out your new found wire wrapping techniques on mine instead!! after looking at your lovelies, I have to say I don't think charms are my strong point!

    Lovely gifts you recieved and glad to see the birdies have got something new to chatter about!

  4. first off ... it's frigid in ole Virginny, but hey, it IS winter afterall!

    Thou art a huge tease! you naughty thing you!

    Katie certainly gifted you handsomely!
    now I'm REALLY going up to my art room!

  5. burrrrrrism - it's frigid (for bakersfield ....anyhow) No snow but has not broke out of the 40's for about a week... and the lows are low 30's... oh and it's foggy.... it's a funny thing living in the San Joaqin Valley. Foggy days for about 2 months in the winter.... really really dense fog.. instead of snow days... we get fog delays... where the whole town hunkers down till about noon. Looks like you are staying warm (did you get a snuggie for xmas?) and having good inspiration peaks... :) xo,
    miss you! anna

  6. still cold up here...ready for warm weather.....

  7. How honored I was to scroll down and catch the sight of the gifts I sent to you. I treasure your friendship ~ you keep me inspired and chugging a long out in in this blogland. It so nice to know you are here ~ blessings!

  8. It's cold, but the sun is out and this post warms my heart!
