Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What I Don't Want to Put Away!

I got the above piece from Nathalie this past week!
The girl knows exactly what I like!
Buttons, birds, stitching as in thread and lace, etc.
And... house shapes!
The sweet little cup that says Mother on it has a little nest with an egg in it!
Obviously this can stay out year round!
Sorry...I could've done a better photo,
but I'm trying to get my blog updated
before Margaret in Switzerland gets her's done.
Speaking of MARGARET..... she sent me some goodies, too.... below is a little piece she made...

It's so sweet in person.... must hurry...

These little women were complaining that they had not been shown on my blog

this Christmas! So here ya go! I love them and hate putting them away....

Behind them you can see some paper houses friends sent me last year. None of them sent me paper houses this year. Why is that? Well, I guess Nathalie will say it's because she sent me a wooden house shape this year?

Below are some wonderful, special things from Anthropologie that my kids gave me...
The bird behind the bunny is actually from Crate & Barrel... but we love him, too!
Each year Anthropologie
has some wonderful
wrapping accessory...
below is this year's...
we could make these!
They are all sitting on a little tree quilt I made MANY years ago!
I should show you all those .... maybe next year!
Okay...gotta publish, I think Margaret is still working...


  1. Your Anthropologie goodies and Nathalie's gift are precious!!!!

  2. Whew! I am EXHAUSTED from your rushing to post before Margaret! Is there a prize for the one who posts first? ;)

    I purposely didn't glue in the thread so you COULD use it if you needed that shade of pink. :)

    I love Margaret's ornament. Glad I got one too!

  3. W
    onderful gifties and special things! I would keep them out a while longer !!!
    no pressure on Margaret ... has she posted yet :)

  4. I love Nathalie's house!This would definitely have to take pride of place!!

  5. oh lovely! I can see why you don't want to put them away! such lovelies! I think my paperwhites might live one more week! oh, and thanks for your kind remarks on my blog!

  6. cute cute cute! love the house and bird - the whole nesting concept!! What a wonder holiday over at the Richter Household.... xo,

  7. ok ok I'm gonna publish today, something, anything??... last day of 2009 and all that! Might just use the old time difference to get the first one posted before you this evening ha!

    Love all your goodies and what a super fab pressie from Nathalie, she really has got you sorted!

    Hip Happy 2010! must dash...

  8. Happy New Year dear Linda!
    love you! natalea

  9. I've been looking all over for this!


  10. Another wonderful post -- and I wouldn't put that Nathalie (or anything else!) away yet! Toomuch fun!
