Monday, November 9, 2009

Sleep, Showers, Silver Bella

I just had to show you how ARt DoG watches football.

He's lying on an ottoman... he's quite large!

He loves football watching days!
Then Sunday there was a baby shower at my house....
I made a little corsage for the honoree to wear!
And I made a book of dresses....
had everyone write notes or tips to her
and, of course, I forgot to take a picture of it assembled.
But I had made a cover for it and I put holes in each shoulder
and tied with ribbons.
You know ....
where I go on Thursday, right?


  1. Silver what huh?? like we don't already know!! can ya tell I'm a slight shade of green? you make sure you take loads of pics and buy cool stuff and do all the courses under the sun and and...

    Love football dog, he's got the whole relaxation thing truly sussed!

    Gorgeous corsage and I love the dress idea,I can imagine what it looked like threaded together, what a lovely gift.

  2. Dogs are too funny in their candid moments!

    I think your corsage idea could easily be brooches. Surely you have enough time to create 4 by Feb.? ;) Looks like a great time had by all (and why not?-- it was a party at Linda's!)

    I canNOT believe you managed to get 23 boxes of matchboxes mailed out before the shower too! Got mine today!

  3. excitement is mounting ... except for Art Dog ... too funny!!!

    Lovely corsage and the dress book is so thoughtful and sweet! You hostess with the mostess party lady!

    Don't forget your camera when you leave on Thursday!!!

  4. Can't wait to see you Girlfriend!!

  5. Priceless picture. Im going to do a post about my old Goldie at the dog therapy pool soon which he loves, Bless him

    Lovely bits & pieces too !

  6. Your dog is so cute!
    Have LOTS of fun at SB Linda! I will be missing you, but I hope you have a great time! Give Janey a hug from me and make sure you take lots of pics so I can see when you get back! xo natalea

  7. Your dress book for your shower looks darling and so does the picture of all of the ladies. How lucky she is to have a friend like you! (and I'm lucky too!)

  8. OK - it must be a golden retriever thing. My golden pup (7 months and 60+ pounds) is determined to find a way to lie down on our ottoman. He sits on it just fine, like a circus dog (his idea one day), but is just a bit too overflowing when he tries to lie down on it! Too funny :)

    See you at Silver Bella!

    Sue E.

  9. I love ArtDog...what a sweetie. Have fun at Silver Bella...I loved London so I guess it was worth not going to SB this year. Maybe next year.

    We need to work on Frank Bielic...I think he would be a great instructor.

    Take lots of pictures ...I await your update. Safe travels...Julia

  10. Man I think art dog and shelby must be related, lol. Is that beer he's drinking???

    Lovely corsage, you are good with colours! Mmmm Nathalie's right, do I see a brooch there?

    I'll be thinking of you at Silver Bella, from way over here! :)

  11. Total crack up on your wonderful dog photo. That is a total hoot! And I love the corsage and such. Beautiful!

    Enjoying it?
