Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Random stitching

When I look out my backdoor this morning....and lots of mornings lately... this is how it appears!
It's supposed to be 90 degrees here today... good old Gulf Coast!
It's hot and humid... but a pleasant 74 inside!
Yesterday afternoon Melinda
brought me roses.
She and I understand the importance
of flowers
for us
I've been randomly stitching lately....
have a Silver Bella swap due .....
here are peeks
at what I'm doing....
I feel accountable to you!
I've started so many and not sure what I'll end up sending...
That one above is quite a tease, isn't it? I'll show you ...eventually...
This one below is one I drew off....
based on my favorite tea towel at Anthropologie.
I also started a bunch of Halloween ATCs...... just to get me going!
I'll show you finished stuff soon....
I hope!


  1. After my daughter's and my son's weddings, I remember feeling like it took awhile to get back into the normal swing of life. I felt like I needed a bit of pampering myself. So yay for the roses - just for you!

    Enjoy creating.


  2. What a tease you are, Linda! Guess we'll all be back to see what you've been working on!

  3. OOh Come on Now ~ You are such a cheater pants!! I cannot wait to see the whole picture!!!

  4. Great peeks at what you've been up to, ALTHO, that first one doesn't count .... I see "nothing" ;)
    I was doing some single thread embroidery last night with the Woolie Nuts gals. Finished my elephants and now don't know how to get them in my altered book.
    Oh and I agree, flowers are good anytime!!! all the time!!!

  5. Lovely photo of your "steamy" window. I love the stack of wibbly wobbly teacups. (I want one!)

