Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do the Good Stuff!

The invitations for my son's wedding came in.
My future daughter-in-law brought them to me on Saturday.
Today I start addressing them.
So I may be a little quiet for a few days.
About the sewing with my daughter...
When I had the time to really look at the drapes I was summoned to alter ...
We got in the car and drove to J. C. Penney's!
Ordered new drapes and went to La Madeleine's for lunch.
We'll move the old drapes
to a different bedroom
with only one window
where they WILL work!
Have a good day and don't think
that you have to do it all!


  1. hope you don't get writer's cramp :) sounds like happy work!

  2. I love the way you sew! Let JC Penney do the work and enjoy lunch with your sweet girl. My kind of sewing.

    By the way....I won a table on the MSC auction...was I bidding against you? There was a rich76 bidding against me. I just got a funny feeling later that maybe it was you? Hope not. Or if it was....hope you're not mad.

    xoxo, Julia

  3. Enjoy each and every minute!!! Weddings are such a blessing!

  4. You must be getting wildly excited! The busy times are beginning -- what is it -- six, eight weeks down the road? Yikes!
