Monday, July 13, 2009

The "to-be's"...

It seems I'm on the shower circuit these days. I've been partying with the "to-be's" since Thursday. Either brides, moms or grandmothers "to-be"..... So I have been a little bit less focused on paper art..... but I did get a swap mailed one day last 19 pages for A Little Bird Told Me. I have my quote on the backs.
And, yes, it's my old familiar scripture text nests. I have an
old New Testament that is falling apart and what better way to
use it than by spreading the Word in art projects!
Sunday as I was driving to my last event of the weekend... I realized I hadn't
taken a photo of the little ornament I made to hang on the gift.
So at the red light I was taking pictures ...
hopefully no one was watching me
photograph the passenger seat!
So I apologize that it's not the greatest shot.
I just stitched a piece of a doily
on the back!
Here is a blurry shot of dessert at a "grandmother-to-be"
party I helped give on Thursday.
The theme was "Growing Grandbabies"!
So we had a garden tea party.
Gotta get to work on my Joy Jingle Banners
that are due the end of the month!
Oh...and the QB5 swap is going strong... pictures to
appear this week!


  1. You are my Queenie of creativity gal!!! Those birds and scripture nests are so cool (I love going to flea mkts and looking for torn books they sell for pennies to use in my art!) I haven't tried those nests yet, but I am itching to! And your shower gifts are sooo fabulous! I know about the shower circuit ~ seems I have friends in just about every category these days. One of my youngin friends told me at the last baby shower that I was not too old to have a baby ~ and I just looked at her... 4 goodness pete! Amazing ~ huh? (The pictures from that shower is on FB by the way).
    Yes! Destin is-was the place.
    Love and Blessings to you! Katie

  2. Linda, I love your bird pages! I've been inspired! I need to make some small bird related cards, you've given me some ideas.
    Hope you recover from all the showers! LOL

  3. Sounds as if you are having a lot of fun creating and sharing your creations! What darling birdies in there Scripture nests! What a wonderful idea!!

  4. love the birds and their nests, very cool background colour you've used, fab ornament!

  5. You multi tasker you! The pic turned out great of such a sweet creation! Your 'dirt' pot looks great and yummy too!
    Your shredded nests are an inspiration too!

  6. Love your birds (and your signature blue!), love the linen ornament and those gummy worms are making me salivate. I could just reach out and grab one right now!

  7. I especially love how you did the nests! I see a new purpose for my shredder!
