Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Journal Wannabe

I don't think there is any better way to show up naked on your blog
than to post pictures of your journal.
So be kind.
I drool over Pam Garrison's..... see the bird's a Pam Garrison wannabe, too.
I think my birds are too long...
they need to be shorter in width.
I've kept a journal of some kind most of my life. I have the diary from my elementary years.... first entry I was about 8 years old...told what I got for Christmas.
These days I keep an "art journal"!!!
Yeah.... I do...
Mine often becomes a bit of a scrapbook.
If you look on the page above on the can see
the little slip of paper from Early Voting in the last
Presidential Election....that will
be valuable one day!
I usually put those little silver tape things that
they put on you for your mammogram in here, too.
Nothing is insignificant.
I like to print out pictures of my blog and put in
my journal!
I like to play with different mediums...
writing with paint.
Do you keep a journal?


  1. it's fantastic!! I do love your turquoise birdie! it's TOTALLY original not a wannabe,..... I don't keep a journal yet..... I have all the gathering for a junk journal if you will..... I'm terming "Domestic Goddess" I have some scrappy paper saying this over and over.... and well the pages will all be the gathering from my mommy life... mac n cheese - coffee packaging - facial moisturizer packaging - etc.... I have my zutter - so I have NO excuse but to put it together and start doodling. if only I had more hours in the day. xo, anna

  2. Cool journal! Thanks for getting naked in front of us! :) I know I am in that journal somewhere!

    I have never kept a personal journal...a professional one, yes. But my professional journal is fool of doodlings and my special "artwork". In meetings, everyone watched me doodle and had to look at my pages from time to time. It wasn't that I wasn't listening, it just helped me concentrate. (Right!)

    Linda, you have inspired me to start a personal journal. Way to go, girl! You have a"mused" me!


  3. wow! where did all this come from?? kept that well hidden didn't you?? I LOVE this journal so much!! I wish i could do stuff like this, I always set out with good intentions but never quite make it! Fab!

  4. I used to keep copius print journals -- long writings! Now I don't but when I see something as inspiring as this, feel inclined to begin again with more of an art form. (I did keep a Paris journal, though -- and it's waiting for "add-ons!)

    You're right about the naked part. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Your journals are wonderful - they are a reflection of who you are. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with Teresa's latest e-zine.


  6. wowee wonderful pages!!! keeping a journal is something I "think" of but have never accomplished when it came to writing.....collage might be the way to go....still not sure if I could keep that up daily...I seem to be all over the place...main computer still getting fixed, but at least I'm on a laptop I can type on....

  7. I'm into journaling right now! And I with you, am always totally amazed at what Pam is doing and there are many other too, whose journal work I admire. Love what all you are doing.

    yapping cat
