Thursday, June 11, 2009

Have you seen this, Sugar?

Have you seen this? It's by Kirsten Lepore and just won an award.


  1. I have NEVER seen anything like it Linda TFS!!! carrot lincoln logs, the creativity in this is mind blowing, not a clue HOW it was done, Love the fruit leather curtains flapping in the sea breeze wowee!!!
    oxo ~*~ Patty

  2. WooHoo to you too! That was some production! She should have won 2 awards ~ one for creativity and artistic merit and another for not eating the actors and actresses! Your blog is always full of new adventures and discoveries! Thanks for sharing friend! Many Blessings, Katie
    PS, I'd love to see what you are making for the VB swap ~ I have made 3 things and I'm not sure which one I will send.

  3. This is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. The creativity, its amazing, just adorable! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Ashlyn

  4. brilliant! this is so cool and you just wonder how she even comes up with the ideas!

  5. That's amazing!!! There are some talented people out there! I'm glad they get some recognition even if it's on YouTube!
