Monday, May 4, 2009

Playing tag with friends

You know how you have some blogs that you just really love and you can't wait to see the new art they do? You know how you leave a comment and then they comment back on your blog and pretty soon you have a mutual admiration society going on? Well, below is what happened to five of us... we did a tag swap with the theme of Friendship.... First up is Margaret ...aka Alice and Camilla... living in Switzerland....

I took the little tiny tags out of the envie and forgot to put them back before I took the photo! Please notice Marie's knees...they stick out with their cute dimples!

Below is the tag I received from Carole aka Madness and Mess in New Zealand...
And here is lovely Patty aka Magpie's Nest from Virginia...
...and my longtime Online BFF... Nathalie of An Artist's Legacy in Missouri...
and here are mine, which I previously showed you....
the birds are paper... the rest is fabric.
This bird on the back has mica on top of him... just so you know!
I don't want that mica addition to go unnoticed! ha!
and look at the cancellation stamp from Switzerland!!!
We are swapping again..... stay tuned!


  1. Lovely tags all in a row! We did good, didn't we!!! Such fun too! Your Swiss cancellation stamp turned out perfectly, may I copy it, mine is too light to enjoy!
    You gals make blogland a happy place:)

  2. just gonna have to send you gals some more post!! it was such fun to be part of this swap, great friends, great art.

  3. yummie tags!! great work to all the ladies :) now the big question is how are you going to use them.... ? xo, anna

  4. Everyone did an amazing job! They are beautiful!
    Hugs, Ashlyn
