Friday, May 29, 2009

Currently in my hands...

When Anna sent me my birthday hanging... see post below.... she also included some goodies.
Some of those goodies included giraffe tissue and some hints of Africa.
Well, Miss Anna is hosting an ATC Swap on Africa over on Christian Paper Artists
and I took this as a sign that I should make some ATCs with an African theme.
Fortunately I have a great book full of b i r d s and could find some that love Africa!!!
Anna...I'll be mailing to you soon. Okay..below is a little something I've been working on for a few weeks.
You know how Rebecca Sower influences me...and Teresa... and Pam - so I've been dabbling in embroidery again the last year.
Then I saw Amy's "take" on the samplers and I knew I had to do one like that...
You just have to click on Amy and then go to her May 1 post to see it.
I'm just making it up as I go....things get ripped out occasionally. Still not sure about the nest with the beads or that number 3...but they each have silver so they are remaining for the moment. Not sure what to put in the remaining squares... I think I need to put more around the bird... oh, may have to do that bowl of cherries like Amy did!!
I really meant to remove the blue markings before I photographed it....I'm doing it 5 x 5. I was going to make it bigger and BFF Virginia talked sense into me. Which if you know Virginia and her history of enlarging sewing projects...well, it's quite amusing.
Anyway.... thought you'd like a peek!
Have some exciting news...I'll save it for next post!!


  1. Great bird ATCs. Those images didn't happen to come from New Zealand, did they? ;)

    Lovely sampler. Yes, keep the silver touches. I teeny bit of sparkle is always good.

  2. Needlework looking good! I want to do some too. Can't wait to hear the news?? VB

  3. I just love your African bird ATCS. They are just fantastic!!

    And the embroidery, wow!!! Are those 1 inch squares?? Amazing!!

  4. Hey neat stitching, is that a birds nest I spy? Rebecca Sower inspires me too! Cool ATC's! Do you have any caged birds at home?
    Carole ;)

  5. Love your ATC's, the birds are so very you!

    Your sampler's looking good, a gal's gotta have a bit of sparkle, fab!

  6. Love your bird ATCs and the sampler is really great!.

    Hugs :)


  7. love the atcs and that sweet stitching Linda! pretty! xo natalea

  8. LOVE the atcs..... I love what you did! You brilliant genius :) and I LOVE the stitching - ever since I "accidentally" followed your link to inspireco... I have been dreaming of stitching myself..... which I why I wanted to stitch my birdie for the book swap.... I just LOVE what you did - 20 minutes a day? xo amt

  9. Love your sampler, makes me want to embroider again too....oh noooooo :)

    Can't wait to see what you get in the Africa ATC swap, your birds look super!

  10. These are all fabulous. I love birds, and those colors are the best. Seeing your embroidery makes me want to return to needlework!
