Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It rained in Houston...btw

Yesterday was my son's birthday. Tomorrow is his fiancee's birthday. So last night the two families of these young adults ... can't say children.... went into Houston for dinner. I had a horrendous day that I won't go into here... but it involved electricians and as the post before this one mentions... back to the veterinarian's office. And then a trip that suddenly became drenched. I had not been watching the news as I had other things going on.... Well, after my daughter and I sat in her car for over 30 minutes in a horrible storm declaring we were not getting out til the rain stopped.... and then we realized we might have to roll our pants up and wade in if we didn't escape soon.... we went inside.... Then when we FINALLY got our party of 12 seated ... for some reason people were not leaving this Favorite Mexican Restaurant .... the POWER WENT OFF!
But about an hour later we were sitting at one of their dry and has power locations... on Richmond! They gave us a $50 gift card to use.... so we survived. That's fiancee's niece on her lap. And, yes, birthday boy has a baseball cap on under his sombrero.
For her very funny take on the rainy day.... go visit my Silver Bella Buddy Julia's blog.


  1. The weather has been dreadful here, hasn't it? Nothing a few margueritas can't handle though! Happy Birthday to your handsome son! I hope I didn't get Charlie too excited about his treat causing him to pop his stitches! Lurch is blind in one eye too...he and Charlie need to become buddies! :)


  2. YUMMO - Pappasito's - Love it! Looks like the party turned out okay anyway!

    I've been watching ya'll get drenched lately. Keep them pantslegs hitched up!

  3. as long as I was eating Mexican food it would have all been good to me! happy b-day to your son and d-i-l!

  4. Happy Birthday to one and all!! The storm sounds dreadful, glad you finally got to celebrate, one to remember!!

  5. Well, it sounds like fun, despite the bad weather. It's been awful here, too, and we're so far apart.

    I'm reading backwards. Hope Charlie is OK.

  6. Love the sombrero pic and the baseball cap under your sons sombrero! Photos like these make the crazy day worth it, right?
    Hugs, Ashlyn
