Monday, April 27, 2009

Great News on Draft Day!

Great news! The vet called Saturday morning and said the biopsy came back showing it was benign! Yeah!!!! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts..... Art Dog was able to watch the NFL Draft in peace!


  1. Oh yippeee!!!! Great news!!! He's such a cutie!!!

  2. I just found your blog. I don't know what was wrong with your cute dog but I am very happy that he is OK.
    We watched the drafts this weekend....I'm not really sure what is going on but my husband is a Vikings fan so he loves it. Have a wonderful day.

  3. That's wonderful! Praise the Lord!
    Hugs, Ashlyn

  4. Oh, Charlie! You are such a cutie pie! I am so happy that you are well! I will bring you a treat next time I come see Mommy!


  5. Thank goodness! Pretty dog. We just lost our big chocolate lab - Jake. He got hit by a car :^(

    We miss him - he was such a sweetie pie...

  6. YYYAAAYYY! such happy news Linda!

  7. What a releief! I'm relieved for you too.

  8. So glad ArtDog is ok!!! They are such important parts of our lives! What a relief!! The storm that blew through on the 17th fried 2 tv's, 2 phones, a shredder, my modem! This Friday had other modem issues...I have been without internet TOO much!! So tonight, had my fingers crossed. Have enough rain, don't we???

  9. Great news indeed, what a precious pooch in his hat!

  10. Soooo Happy about your dog Linda!! I know how much mine means to me.

  11. didn't watch the drafts...... too busy watching BASEBALL!!! how did those texans fair? hopefully well? glad to hear our ART mascot is doing well :) xo anna (p.s. mailed a package today for you....) should be a few days.......

  12. Glad to hear the wonderful news!

  13. Yay great news, he looks in fine form, very sporty with his hat!

  14. Oh, this was the news I was waiting to hear. I'm so very happy for you. Now all he needs is time to heal.

    Another prayer answered. I love it when that happens. (Especially when the answer is "yes")
