Sunday, April 5, 2009

Did I show you these?

Saturday we went to a wedding. Left to right...Mike (son's best friend), Boo (father of groom) and my son. Mike and my son were groomsmen. Aren't they all so cute! Did I show you this? I glued this piece of wood that I collaged onto a box and poured those little micro beads around it...
Above is my bulletin board... I need to finish that one big piece!
I made this book in Kim Kwan's class at Silver Bella 2008!!! I finally dug out some seam binding and bound it Friday. I'm going to put pictures of things I've made in it!!!! Here's one page done. ha! Need to write about it.. that would be a good idea.
Future DIL!
I got that bracelet that I won on Teresa's Ezine... from Debi Vincent! It's soooo pretty. I should've worn it to the wedding. I forgot it was in the egg bowl!
I came across this. Sometimes I keep things I make because I like them so much. This is one of those things... a simple accordion book. I should make more of these. I remember I gave a bunch as RAKs one year....
And below are some little images that I bought at Silver Bella 2009 from
Karla Nathan. I should use them, shouldn't I? I used one....not sure where...
Okay...that's all for now....


  1. phew - that's some serious eye candy of a post..... your son and dil are going to make a beautiful married couple.... is that coming up? so glad u got to go see the wedding dress trying on .....( fun to have a a little practice under belt for when it's debbie's turn :) ALSO LOVE the lim kwan book. My scrappy store just started to sell that seam tape binding..... the accordion book is awesome - the images are fun :) and I love your bulletin board inspiration......

  2. Yes.......those boys are cute...especially your son!

    I am so jealous of your crafting. I still cannot make myself go up to my craft room. Perhaps this summer.

    Are you going to SB 09?

  3. Oh I love all the pictures - you've been busy! Good for you. Makes me want to do some things...maybe in a week or so! VB

  4. Fabulous inspiring post this afternoon Linda, my, when you get going you really get going! love all of it! and to think I only managed a tag this morning, deary me, must have some of whatever it is you have for breakfast...

  5. You AMAZE me!!!

  6. No, I haven't seen that, nor that, yes! I remember the accordian book (got one!-I think)- recognize the cute bookmark too (great journal art!).

    Your daughter-in-law is lovely. I see beautiful grand kids in your future.... heehee

  7. Thanks for giving us a peek inside your creative world Linda! Beautiful Creations! Hope your Easter is full of many warm and lovely Blessings! Katie

  8. oooh! good stuff Linda! Have a great Easter! xo natalea

  9. Good heavens -- what a powerhouse you are! I would be completely unable to choose a favorite. (Although the guy on the right -- the son -- he may top the artwork! His fiancee is so pretty, too!)

    That collage -- wonderful! Oh, good grief, it all is! I get so inspired by you!
