Tuesday, March 3, 2009


After months of stumbling over the Zutter box in both of our homes, a plan was devised to figure these contraptions out!!!
Virginia arrived with her tools and her show and tell (1930's ledger!!!)! The boxes are opened and the glorious personal binding systems are in plain site!

But wait............we have to discuss the bunny and other felted creature issues!

Virginia proceeded to cut out tiny pennants so Bunny Rabbit could hold a banner! We were urged..... okay we were nagged.... by Nathalie and Margaret to use our Zutters. So...we copied Margaret's idea to do a triptych!!!

Eventually....with great fear.... holes were punched. Word of caution ..... for your first foray into Zuttering...do not use an odd shape. Just make something with a straight line. Do not make something that involves you lining up sides and slightly angling matboard!!!! I'm just saying.

Let me tell you that the squeezing of the coils is not very exciting. It's very quiet...and just kind of happens! Unlike the hole punching...which is extremely frightening!!!
Virginia used KCompany Que Sera Sera papers! I love those and will not be happy til I own my own pad of them. My Michaels is out !&%$ My triptych is on Wild Raspberry by KCompany.
We are going to embellish the triptychs on our own... but Bunny Rabbit (who needs a name) got a banner out of the deal and is quite happy with it all.
So.... Nat and Marg ..... sleep well knowing Linda and Virginia can zutter with the best of you!


  1. I WILL sleep well knowing that you two knuckle heads FINALLY opened up the Zutters and MADE something. Now that you know how to use it, can I send you some library pocket cards to bind for me? heehee

    But now I will be sleepless, waiting for your posted photo of what you made with your Zutter bound triptych. ;) Bunny's banner is very cute, btw.

  2. I am jealous that you and Virginia have SO MUCH FUN!! I don't have a Zutter but I know where to go to use one, huh? Bunny, I think his name should be Eyzes. He has BIG ones!! Cute, though. You just try it all, don't cha??

  3. I can't believe you've got all that posted already!! What fun - and yes, anyone can Zutter. I'm just so proud that we actually used a new tool and in less than 6 months of ownership! Now maybe we need to pick something else we've been storing... It was a great day! VB

  4. So that is why Gimin was over today! If I had known, I would have let you girls use the binding machine at school- it doesn't have as fun of a name as Zutter though. And it's a lot bigger.
    I agree with VB- you should pick something else now that you've been storing... Lord knows you two have A LOT to pick from. ;-)

  5. I know...maybe we could open the boxes holding our Wii Fit!???
    Yeah, Debe, the eyes are big!!! Virginia thinks I should give him a pink nose..however, I have no pink roving. Eyzes of March!

  6. cute cute cute - love the bunny! and the banner (you girls are genius!) also love the triptych...... and i still don't have any mat board... :( wahhh! but I do have some really thick chipboard that works the same at mat board... just love that mat board is white.... I did ask Michael's for some but I was denied :( hey.... do you want me to pick you up some of the que sera paper.... our Michael's has a bunch..... it's beautiful paper..... I bought the 4 x 6 pad. get project and great photo shoots.... Yall are too cute :) xoxo anna

  7. Blimin heck, first blog I went to this morn, I've been up all night wondering if you opened the box, now I can finally rest easy!! and just look what you did, well done!! know just what you mean about odd shaped pieces, a rollercoaster of fun!! You realise now it's been exposed to air you'll have to use it on a regular basis otherwise it'll go rusty tee hee, I jest I jest... It makes a lovely backdrop for proud bunny:)

  8. Hi, came here from Margaret´s blog. And I have just arrived home from the postoffice with my BIA machine:-) So now I will try to learn how to do !

  9. You gals are making me think I cannot live without a zutter....oh no, please don't make me! Love your triptick (phonetic spelling that word always gets me, my brain doesn't want to linger on it just now)!
    Can't wait to see where this leads all of you! I've just been soaking cardboard, thanks to Margaret :)

  10. Oh I miss so much when I don't get over here practically every day! :( All you CPA girls are hilarious! (I read the zutter convo on the board... so very funny!) And you have such a way with typing a story of yours and Virginia's adventures! LOVE it! ;) You lucky Zutter girls! (it's on my list!)

  11. Congrats! For those that don't have one and have a Hobby Lobby near by they carry them and you can often use their coupon to buy it. I have the blue one but want to upgrade to the newer version. I am considering giving it away as blog candy......... Keep an eye out on my blog if you are interested.

  12. Since your bunny was part of this project with the new toy, name him "Zutterbun". It has a nice ring to it when you say it aloud I think.

  13. I wanted to stop by and say thank you for your prayers and concern.

    Also, this was a zutterly cute post!


  14. Never heard of a Zutter before, but looks like you girls had fun learning to use it.

    The bunny is precious and the triptych looks great! I like Ms. Judy's "Zutterbun". How clever is that?

  15. The zutter is very cool -- I've never heard of that one before, but I like those spines better than the plastic ones -- they look great and I love your triptych!

  16. Linda ~ This is way cool! I love the bunny and all the trimmings ~ You had a lot of fun!
