Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Texas Bluebonnets!

Jumped out of the car this morning and took these photos a few blocks from my house! (at a church) It's that time of year when the wildflowers are blooming their little heads off here!
It's gorgeous .... makes ya wanna drive somewhere just to see it all!


  1. ahhhhhh - beautiful.... I have been missing texas and this one of the many reasons why....... I love the cross one.... really that close to home? awesome!

  2. Oh, Linda, your pictures are great! The bluebonnets are beautiful...as usual! I have been so stuck in the house taking care of Lurch. I need to get him out, drive him around to see the bluebonnets! Thanks for the motivation!


  3. Oh MY those ARE gorgeous and in big drifts like that....thanks for sharing it with us Linda :)

  4. OH NO WAY! I haven't seen any around here! Oh they are soooo beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing them... We'll have to go hunt for some this week.

  5. Argh! All we have is mud and snow. And everytime we start to see too much mud, then it snows again! Yeah--the great white north... ;-/

  6. I'm married to a Texan...I do believe I'll have to show him this picture...make him all homesick. You are only missing the Indian Paintbrush....that blue and orange is spectacular in the Spring, but only in Texas. :) We were stationed at Fort Hood for two years.

  7. What church? I love Bluebonnets! I told Cary that I was going to scatter seeds in the fields around our house... but then he reminded me other weeds might grow, so I decided against it...for now.

  8. I was going to ask if these were the infamous Texas Blue Bonnets, but everyone's posted comments confirmed it.

    Spring is coming with a vengeance this year, isn't it? Your photos ar gorgeous!

  9. The bluebonnets are lovely. I guess I just haven't done alot of driving around to notice them around here. I need to get out more.

    Hugs :)


  10. Gorgeous colour! Spring is only arriving slowly here, but I notice a couple of daffodils are trying to put in an appearance, shame it snowed again this morning!

  11. Whoopeee! you changed the comment format!!! Big hugs, Carole!!

  12. Wow, I'm gonna go comment crazy now! lol. Here in New Zealand we call these lupins and they grow wild along the roadsides in places in the south island. We grow colour ones in our gardens. Very pretty! ;)
