Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines keep pouring in...

Above is my Valentine Banner from the swap I did with InThisHouseandGarden Yahoo Group! I love it!!! From left to right.... one unsigned...lovely with pink wings around a heart,Terri Nickelson-Williams, Sharon DuBois, Cynthia Weed, mine...or a rendition of what I sent ...I didn't keep one of mine so I ran upstairs and made one similar to it, and Connie Freedman.
Here is one of those cupcake liner flowers. Hard to take a decent photo of this. The instructions are on Martha Stewart. I've seen them on another blog but can't remember where...will let you know when I find it.
Have you seen the garlands that Pam Garrison has been making with cupcake liners and coffee filters? I reallllllllly want to do those. And look here too,!
Nathalie sent me this postcard! The love just keeps on comin!
Ohhhh...and I did go to the store and buy ricotta cheese yesterday. Just so ya know!


  1. I LOVED seeing you this morning. Great blog today.

  2. love your banner! excited to see you received "love affair" very juicy...did you read the story?

    I am so jealous of that greenery I am seeing next to your house. sigh.

  4. There must be something in the air -- Lars wanted lasagna this week, too. I make a pretty decent one, but didn't have time to do it, so we had frozen. The up side of that was that they now make them in smaller amounts, so we aren't eating lasagna for two weeks afterward (as if that's a bad thing). Love all these Valentine pretties! Just the inspiration I need -- got to make something lovely for the Man.

  5. I love your banner especially the one with the little ragamuffin gal pondering on it! That banner is BeAuTiFuL gal! Blessings, Katie
