Friday, December 19, 2008

Online Friends

I know you have some online friends that you dearly love .... and most of them you've never met in real life. One of my friends that I've known on the internet for many years now....well we often send a box back and forth with things in it that we know the other will like. Just little stuff...often stuff we find at a thrift store, things we make, etc. I got this box on Monday. Go visit her blog! And, yes, she made the stars...I can BARELY make one out of make one out of ribbon is definitely beyond my abilities. I like them just the way they are. (she thought I might want to glitter them) The box makes me a little weepy. Must be the time of year.
...and yes, I smudged the note so you can't read it.....I do have my standards ya know....did it with software...duh!
Merry Christmas....


  1. What a fantastic idea! This is so special that you two have built a friendship like this! You ought to be weepy...good friends are worth crying over!


  2. Linda, Your 5 photo spread makes me feel like the Queen of RAKs! Merry Christmas!

  3. HOw cool is that! Yes, I have the same kind of online friends. It's wonderful, isn't it?
