Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Creative Thinking

I go to a few formal events every year at this time and I like to reshuffle my attire among them. I keep a little spiral notebook that tells what I wear to business functions that happen during the year. People really don't care what you wear and they can't remember anyway. Tonight I have such an event. I'm wearing a dress I've had for a few years and I've worn to this event once before. But I bought a new necklace yesterday from White House/Black Market to wear. Well I got home yesterday and it just didn't work with either dress I was considering. So I was going to return it on Thursday. But what to wear tonight? Now you may already know this trick...and maybe I did, too...but if I did ... I had forgotten it. I thought if it was just longer it would work. So I used a bracelet as an extender!!!! First I tried the silver one below..and it looks fine, but the black one may be the better choice. I am SO pleased with myself. I knew you'd appreciate it!
A day or two before Thanksgiving I went to the nursery to buy something to put in the pot on my front porch to replace the dead mums! I ended up with four small pots of Cyclamen. They are sooo pretty...and they are really hard to kill. They use them at the shopping malls ya know. Anyway.... they were so pretty that I decided to first use them for my centerpiece. I drug out a white serving dish and I was going to cover the dirt with that fake snow stuff I have.
But then.... I remembered the chili bowls! So I got 4 white chili bowls down and put them in those.....we had 3 on one table and 1 on the other table! Yea!!!
And now they are outside!


  1. Now, I have never done the bracelet trick before! Clever, clever! I will have to try that, I love it.

    And those are so pretty. I would need something that I could not kill, that's for sure. : D


  2. I see you ditched the reindeer. Love the glittery house.


  3. way to go creative lady!! Love the ideas! ...although I must say I'm jealous I have no parties to attend this year, but I suppose there's no clothing worries!
    xo natalea

  4. Love your new blog the glitter! You are a very clever lady. The bracelet extender and then the cyclamen. Nice to get twice the use of one item...Clever. I commented once and it didn't take..if you get two, luv ya twice!!

  5. What a great way to display the cyclamen. Love it all! Oh, and the dolls below and the TG ... I'm catching up!`
