Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas, Christmas time is here....

So last week I drove into Houston (something like 25 miles away)..... to do the social thing for business purposes and stay in town a few nights....
Here is my annual picture of the Galleria Christmas Tree.
Neiman Marcus puts puppies in their windows from the local SPCA at Christmas. It's a good thing I was spending a few nights at a hotel or this pup might've found a home with me! One night while DH had a dinner without me....I ate with the kids. Here are Bob and Kacee: ...and here are Cary and Debbie:
Here is what I did today. These are based on the ones in the current issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors. I'm giving some of them as gifts tomorrow night at the annual Dirt Diva Christmas Party!
The eyes are nails, the mouths are upholstery tacks and I had those orange noses made from clay already! I made them years ago when I was making snowmen out of white felt! Glad I kept them. (like I would throw something like that away?) Most of the hats are earrings!! They have to have jewels because they are for divas. The head is made of "paperclay"....they sell it at Michael's. Remember all those bottles I bought in October? And you thought I was crazy!
I think they are done...may have to add something tomorrow when I have fresh eyes!


  1. OMG! I want that puppy!!!! Go find him... that's all I want for Christmas.

  2. Okay...I think we might have a few things in common. I live outside of Houston. I have two grown sons...I couldn't figure out from the pics if yours were sons or daughters. My kids look about the same age as your kids. Looks like you guys are eating at Macaroni Grill which is one of my favorite places...I know it is a chain, but I love their food...I can't help it! And I am a Perry Como freak at Christmas time! Anyway, I love your blog! Hope you will check my blog out!


  3. I'm glad you showed close ups of your snowdivas I was wondering what was inside-- love them! Makes me want to tackle my bottle collection!

  4. CUTE CUTE CUTE!! the puppy - the bottles - the xmas tree (well that is beautiful..) your kids... happy to be back to blogtopia.... you inspired me :) (again!)

  5. I love your snowmen! The sheet music is a great touch.

  6. Hi,

    It's so good to be back to your beautiful blog and I love the new banner. I am SO into those CPS snowpeople -- I have two naked ones with drying heads. (I had three... the paper clay breaks!) And planning more. I think it's their best cover ever. I'll post when I finish -- hopefully this weekend!

  7. Linda.......Can I join the Dirt Divas? I want a snow bottle diva! You are so talented and so busy and soooo generous with your talent and time. Hope you're having a great holiday season so far....Julia

  8. LOVE your Snow Divas, the puppy and your kids pics!! You have SO much fun!
