Monday, November 17, 2008

Silver Bella Hangover!

I made it back! It was awesome.... as expected. First stop after checking into the hotel..... that's Debe and Virginia!
Here we are........... Pam and I!!!! You know...I never realize how tall I am until I go to something like this where we are taking lots of pictures. I'm 5'9". Pam is TINY!!! But she was a wonderful teacher... just like everyone says ... she is so giving of herself and of her STUFF! Loved the project. I want to add more to mine now that I'm home with my stash. I will definitely be making more of these. Silver Bella was wonderful - better than last year. I will ALWAYS seek out Embassy Suites! Great hotel!
Above is a photo of "my table" in the Rebecca Sower class - Prayer Collage.... which I must say was my favorite project. I loved every class I took this year. Sitting is Carol below...and Pam Keravouri. Behind them are Debe Leon, Rebecca Sower, Virginia, Natalie Hansen and me.
This is the centerpiece for the tables at the Mary Englebreit luncheon. You need to visit Julia's blog for a good read regarding the luncheon. I didn't get a good photo of ME. She was wonderful and the things Julia says on her blog were the things I would write about her talk. I didn't order a poster to be signed.... I had ordered two of her newer books from Amazon and hauled them to Omaha for her to sign. I did not fit into the "signing category" and the line was a mile long and I had a class right after the I just hauled my books back home. But that was okay. Cari Craft did the centerpieces!
My BFF Virginia went with me to Silver Bella this year!!!! We had a great time. She hates having her picture she did suffer a great deal at SB - but I figure it was a growth experience for her. ha! Here she is with Peggy who is also from Houston. Peggy flew home on our flight.....which was quite fun. Remind me to tell you about that. I have an art upload made by a passenger who was inspired by us. hee hee! Maybe I'll get that scanned tomorrow.
Here is beautiful Natalea!!! We met at SB last year and hung out together then and we got to be together a lot this year, too. She is a wonderful girl with a good head on her shoulders. I could be her mother... in fact I'm older than her mother. But she seems to put up with me.
Vendor night this year had a Prom theme. These are the girls that wore prom dresses!
Here is a lovely shot of Charlotte Lyons and me!!! I am a huge fan of Charlotte's and was so excited to get into two of her classes this year!
Virginia thought we should be lookin a bit we were trying to laugh for her!
The first class I had on Thursday was Charlotte Lyons' "Prada Schmada". Here is Julia as referenced above with her bag! Julia lives in the Houston area also....we flew out on the same prop plane. ha!
We were all obsessed with getting our grommets in our bags. Here is Julia after she pounded her's in!
Here is Carol Wingert whose blog I've read for a few years and it was after probably an hour in the class when I realized who she was!!! And this is Debe from Houston that we hung out with all weekend, too. She flew there and back with us on the Silver Bella Express!
This is Shannon Johnsonand me and Virginia! Shannon is on Christian Paper Artists yahoo group with Virginia and I. She's from the Dallas area and we were so excited to get to finally meet! She is so sweet. Isn't it great when you meet your online friends and they are so great - just like you knew they would be.
I wish I had gotten a picture of Suzanne Duda and I together. We emailed, talked on the phone and text'd while we were going to and at Round Top/Warrenton in October and never found each other there..... so we finally got to meet at Silver Bella. She's great.... very sweet, friendly and down to earth!
This picture looks artistic.... ha..... obviously it didn't focus well. Maybe Natalea will have a better version.
Here is Janey and I!!!! She's from Chicago and she, Natalea and Sharon hung out with me last year. Sharon didn't come this year. We missed you, Sharon!!!!
Tomorrow I'll upload photos of projects and other goodies!


  1. Anxious to see all your luscious goodies!!!

  2. Wow, I think we had fun!! I KNOW we had fun. It just gets better and better as the memories jell! Thank you so much for being so nice to this newbie!! Saving $$ for next year. Gawd, that was great!!!

  3. hey sweets,
    wow your pics are fabulous!!
    we didn't get to spend much time togetherthis year.
    it was crazy busy.
    you look like you had a fantabulous time. im so glad you came to omaha.
    see ya next year.

  4. NO NO NO NO!!!! It is TORTURE to read about the great time you had!!! I could have DRIVEN to Nebraska from where I live!!!! AAAaaaaahhhhh (wailing)

    What fun to hang with old friends and make new ones and meet the people whose art you admire! *sigh*

    Looking forward to seeing more (as torturous as it is! haha)

  5. What a fantabulous time you look like you had. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. I'm with Nathalie on this one!! I'll probably weep good and proper at your next post! So lovely to have the opportunity to meet up with friends and bloggers. And banish those banner worries right now! after SB your's will be rockin' now just gotta work out how to get one of them!! xx from a tally (5ft 11!)

  7. Looks like I missed a fabulous time. Missed you guys too. Maybe next year. Can't wait to see the rest of your photos.

  8. That looks SO incredible! What an inspiring group of people to be around! I bet your head is simply throbbing with new ideas! Thanks for sharing ~

  9. love all the pics Linda!! so, so great to have spent some quality time with you again!! xo nat

  10. More Diva-ness.

    Thanks for the return visit.

    God bless.

  11. Hi Linda...It was so lovely to meet you!!! SO happy we had Jenni's class together! Big hugs to you and I'll be looking for you next year!!!

  12. Ahhh! What great pictures, and I'm so glad you had a wonderful time... I did too, and I was ever so thrilled to have met you, Linda! I am so happy to be a part of the CPA group with you, as well... Thank you for all your kind words. You and Virginia are super sweet, and I can't wait to "meet up" with y'all again, sometime! Happy Thanksgiving!
