Thursday, August 14, 2008

What are you reading?

A language kept a secret for a thousand years forms the backdrop for an unforgettable novel of two Chinese women whose friendship and love sustains them through their lives.
I grew up a voracious reader. I remember in third grade reading a whole slew of Little House on the Prairie type books.... only I don't think they were. I know they made a lot of maple syrup. I loved whatever books they were. I read all the Nancy Drew books - I loved her!!! I read the Hardy Boys and the Boxcar Children. I credit the Boxcar Children with my love of making things out of junk. We used to play like we were the Boxcar Children in my neighborhood in Fort Worth. I read all the "horse books"! I read Gone With the Wind the summer after 8th grade and again the summer after 9th. I didn't know what a prostitute was and I asked my mother in front of the lady next door. The lady next door was astounded that I didn't know what that was. (this was in the 60's)
If you are looking for a great FICTION read - I highly recommend Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Best book I've read in YEARS. I liked The Secret Life of Bees - but it's a 5 compared to this 10! And The Memory Keeper's Daughter was a huge disappointment for me. I've updated my blog - I felt such peer pressure. Thank you, Miss Nathalie! Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some art done. I started physical therapy Monday - I go 3 times a week for a rotator cuff injury that I've been suffering with for 8 months. Finally went to the doctor last month. Cortizone shot did nothing. So.... I don't need to sit stooped over cause I'm sore because Peggy the therapist digs her fingers into my shoulder and scoops out the pain!!!! Go back tomorrow! 3 more weeks of this - but I think it's helping!


  1. i'm reading - how to talk to your kids so they will listen and how to listen so your kids will talk..... the joys of parenthood.....
    xoxo anna

  2. I SO remember all those books -- also, the Black Beauty series as well. My reading has slowed down over the years but I do have that one sitting on my nightstand. Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. ooohh! I have this book in my TBR (to be read) pile! You have me excited to read it!!

  4. I Also, have read All of the above!! Weren't they Wonderful?!!! Since we seem to have the same taste, I'm going to get the book!! And your blog is lovely!! Happy weekend!hughugs

  5. Thank you for the recommendation -- that's high praise indeed. I'll have to add this one to the list -- maybe even this weekend!

    So sorry about the rotator cuff. I fell so very bad you are in pain and discomfort and hope the PT helps. It always helps me, so long as I'm diligent about the "homework!"
