Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Blog is Rated E for Excellent

at The Marmelade Gypsy gave me this award! Isn't she sweet... you really need to go visit her. She is one of those people that I just met online one day....stumbled upon her on someone else's blog and we have some things in common..... so we keep in touch! Aren't those some of the greatest blessings - the unexpected finds!
So...I am supposed to pass this award on.... so here goes:
Anna Tremblay's Nest Happenings! My sweet, sweet girlfriend that moved away from me last year.
Sarah's Joy for the Journey! She is a soulmate... I feel sure.
Natalea's Kandeland! Of course!!!! My Silver Bella BFF!
Julia's Miz Juney - one of my new Silver Bella Buddies - haven't met yet....but she just lives on the other side of town from me. (Houston is BIG)
Nathalie's An Artist's Legacy - only one of my bestest ever online friends!
Katie's Ragmuffin Gal - a new friend this year - and such a sweet, giving person.


  1. thank you so much Linda! you are the best!! xo nat

  2. Thank you, Linda. Where would we two be without the Internet? (((hugs)))

  3. Linda- you are too sweet. Your blog is always a bright spot in my day. It'll be my pleasure to pass along the honor! Have a great weekend -
    Sarah :)

  4. Linda......thanks for the award! You are too kind. But I appreciate that kindness so much.

  5. Thank you sweet Linda! What a lift to get back into my blog groove and have this nice award from a wonderful friend! Blessings, Katie
