Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Back to School Time!

One day this past week I took lunch to my daughter's classroom and ate with her. She's beginning her 7th year of teaching - 4th grade! Seems like just yesterday SHE was in 4th grade. I forgot to take my camera....... so you get a spelling book picture instead. I inhaled a brand new math textbook - she teased me with the thought of actually visiting the BOOKROOM! There is no smell I enjoy more than that of a new textbook! Speaking of the passing of time..... My friend, Nathalie , is celebrating her 1st Year Anniversary as a blogger! Go over and leave a comment - she's giving away GLITTER!!!!! all my teacher friends - have a great year!


  1. what an awesome mama u are :)
    i've been missing computer time.... it's still not fixed (argh) some i'm anoymous via matt's work laptop..... shhhhhh
    xoxo anna

  2. sweet you are to take your daughter lunch. We start back tomorrow....I am a kindergarten teachers' aide. I have 3 classes plus alot of other miscellaneous duties. Tomorrow will be chaos so I'm going to bed early.

    Did you get my note that we are on the same plane going to Omaha?

    Love the smell of books, too. Going to read one now... Julia

  3. Hi, Linda -- that reminds me of when my dad would come take me to lunch when I first started working on campus. It was always a treat! I'll stop by and visit Nathalie but first wanted to tell you that I just gave you a blog award over at the Marmelade Gypsy! Stop by to find out more!

  4. Linda,
    Thanks for sending people my way! Love your spelling book photo. And I agree new books smell good- and newly sharpened pencils! :)

  5. I love the smell of new (or old) books, newly sharpened pencils or a new box of crayons (and a new Longaberger Basket and chocolate chip cookies or fresh bread baking)
    I am anxious to go look at the websites - I love your art and am forward to seeing what inspires you!
